Hadas Moshonov

 Hadas Moshonov

Hadas Moshonov

  • Courses8
  • Reviews17


University of Toronto St. George Campus - Statistics


  • 2011



    Joint Department of Medical Imaging

    Univeristy Health Network

    •\tProvide consulting services to researchers regarding the design of their studies and the appropriate methods for analyzing their data.\n•\tPerform comprehensive data analysis using SAS software and compose detailed reports for various projects.

    Joint Department of Medical Imaging

    Univeristy Health Network

  • 2008

    •\tSubstituted for an instructor who was unable to continue teaching the summer course “Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics”.\n•\tPrepared and conducted lectures in two different courses: an introductory level course with a class of about 300 students and a second year course.\n•\tParticipated in the composition of term tests and final exams.\n•\tPrepared and conducted a number of tutorial sessions and performed all marking duties.

    Department of Computer and Math Sciences

    University of Toronto Scarborough


  • 2007

    •\tPrepared and conducted lectures in a variety of statistics courses at the second

    third and fourth year levels. Topics include: introduction to statistics

    statistics with applied probability

    probability and statistics I and II

    multivariate statistics

    time series.\n•\tDesigned and taught a course in introduction to Bayesian statistics. \n•\tPrepared lecture notes in power point format that were posted online prior to each lecture. \n•\tComposed term tests and final exams and designed their marking scheme. \n•\tManaged teaching assistants

    supervised tutorial scheduling and administration

    prepared job description for each teaching assistant

    and provided guidance as to how to conduct tutorials.\n•\tDesigned and maintained course websites.

    Department of Mathematical and Computational Sciences

    University of Toronto Mississauga


  • 2003

    Univerisity of Toronto

    •\tPrepare and conduct lectures in various second and third year statistics courses. Topics taught include: introduction to statistics

    probability and statistics I and II

    methods of data analysis

    statistics for computer science

    statistics for engineering science and design and analysis of experiments.\n•\tPrepare lecture notes in PowerPoint format that are posted online prior to each lecture. \n•\tCompose term tests and final exams and designed their marking scheme. \n•\tCoordinated courses with up to 700 students

    3 lecture sections and 10 teaching assistants. \n•\tManage teaching assistants

    supervise tutorial scheduling and administration

    prepare job description for each teaching assistant

    and provide guidance as to how to conduct tutorials.\n•\tDesign and maintain course websites on which lecture notes

    problem sets and solutions

    extra examples and other relevant links of interest were posted.

    Univerisity of Toronto

  • 2001


    Thesis Title: Bayesian Model Checking – Prior-Data Conflict \nSupervisor: Professor Mike Evans


    University of Toronto

ECO 257


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