H Arnold

 H Arnold

H Arnold

  • Courses6
  • Reviews12


Moreno Valley College Riverside CCD - Fine Arts


  • 2014

    Eye and Mind Academic Journal


    Institute for Doctoral Studies in Visual Arts

    Responsibilities include but are not limited to: Coordinates with Cohort representatives to ensure the election of an Editor from the given Cohort if one has not already been elected; Decides

    and announces submission deadline for articles; Receives all initial submissions; Decides

    and announces submission accepted or rejected notification deadline; Decides

    and announces publication deadline for Eye and Mind; Manages Editors’ pairings

    and submitted articles for review according to the following protocol: no Editor will edit a paper from a fellow Cohort member

    and all papers will be reviewed by no less than two editors; Is responsible for editing two or more initial submissions the same as all other Editors

    following the same protocol: Provides comments and constructive critique of all submissions reviewed

    Notifies author of acceptance or rejection status

    Returns accepted submission directly to the author with suggested corrections; Ensures the overall successful publication of Eye and Mind; Is available for any questions regarding the procedures of publication. Acts as a general liaison between the Editorial Staff and non-staff persons as needed; Reviews all final submissions before publication in coordination with Managing Editor; Is responsible for a brief forward for their issue of Eye and Mind.

    Editor in Chief

    Eye and Mind Academic Journal


    ArtandArnold is my blog where I present various art reviews

    critical and philosophical investigations on various topics

    and works of fiction.

    Art Critic



    College Art Association

    Austin Community College

    Adjunct Faculty of the year

    Riverside Community College

  • 2009

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Art Theory

    Art Criticism


    Editorial Staff for Eye and Mind

    Academic Journal.

    Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts

  • 2006

    Mt. San Jacinto College

    Riverside Community College District

    Art Critic


    Prehistoric to Gothic

    Renaissance to\n20th Century

    Mt. San Jacinto College

    The Austin Chronicle

    Art Critic

    Contributing Writer


    Texas Area

  • 2004

    Riverside Community College District

    Austin Community College


    Riverside Community College District

    Associate Professor of Art

    Austin Community College

    Art and Cake

    Los Angeles California

    Art Critic

    Contributing Writer

  • 2002

    Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.)


    Claremont Graduate University

  • 2001

    Post-Baccalaureate Certificate


    Office of Exhibitions: Gallery Assistant.

    The Maryland Institute College of Art

  • 1997

    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


    Lawrence University

  • Art History

    Art Criticism


    Art Education

    Fine Art


    Figure Drawing

    Art History


    Contemporary Art




    Visual Arts



    Curatorial Practices



    We are all Graffiti Writers

    Taken from the last chapter of my dissertation

    the text explores ways in which graffiti writing acts as an inclusive activity. While we may think graffiti is alien to us

    we participate and manufacture our own graffiti every day.

    We are all Graffiti Writers

    One of contemporary graffiti’s most problematic situations is its dependency on documentation. While many of the culture’s participants would denounce photography and film as the primary sites for their work

    often making such predications based on the apparent authenticity of the urban environment

    this discussion considers the reverse

    positing that the ideologies and methodologies of the counterculture are best served through these modes of reproduction. In order to examine this claim

    several different occurrences of these post-sites are considered here

    analyzed from both the graffiti writer’s and the documenter’s perspectives.

    Post-Site Contemporary Graffiti and Documentation

    The following document serves to explain the roles

    and procedures

    of the editorial board for The Institute for Doctorial Studies in the Visual Arts academic journal Eye and Mind. It is to be issued to every member of the editorial board upon election to the position of Editor

    and should be reviewed prior to the submission acceptance deadline. This document may be revised to accommodate the changing needs of IDSVA and Eye and Mind as seen fit by the acting editorial staff.

    The Editorial Handbook for Eye and Mind

    My reviews for Glasstire\nhttp://glasstire.com/author/h-c-arnold/

    Glasstire reviews

    My articles for The Austin Chronicle.\nhttp://www.austinchronicle.com/authors/h-c-arnold/

    The Austin Chronicle art reviews.

    Art Critic\nEducator\nWriter\nEditor



    Art and Cake

    The Austin Chronicle

Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

  • Joseph H Arnold JR (60% Match)
    Instructional Faculty
    California State University - California State University

  • Susan H Arnold (20% Match)
    Technical Instructor
    Gwinnett Technical College - Gwinnett Technical College

  • Daniel H Arnold (00% Match)
    University of Kentucky - Public Universities

  • Deborah Arnold (30% Match)
    Education and Allied Studies Lecturer
    Bridgewater State University - Bridgewater State University (bsc)

  • Deborah Arnold (30% Match)
    Education and Allied Studies Lecturer
    Bridgewater State University - Bridgewater State University (bsc)

  • Deborah Arnold (30% Match)
    Education and Allied Studies Instructor
    Bridgewater State University - Bridgewater State University (bsc)

  • Sandra H Arnold (00% Match)
    Associate Professor
    University Of Oklahoma Health Science Center - Univ. Of Okla. Health Science Center

  • Elizabeth Arnold (30% Match)
    Associate Professor
    James Madison University - James Madison University

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ART 172240


