Doctor Travis has a heart of gold. He makes the psych subject manageable. It may seem like a lot of work but it's not. Just do the work and you should be fine. Just don't cheat or you'll be in a real trouble. Don't wait until the last minute to contact him if you have any problems, because he doesn't care. Read his syllabus and you will see what I'm talking about.
Doctor Travis is a real gem. You should be on top of your work because he is not your mommy. It may seem like a lot of work, but it's manageable. He makes this subject easy and doesn't require the book. Just complete all the task and you'll be fine. Just a piece of advice, do not plagiarize. The majority of the class copied and pasted, they were caught and he was furious because of it. He's not a fool.
Based on previous reviews, one would expect Professor Travis' class as an easy one. But when people said he had unlimited quiz attempts and two exams, they were completely wrong. What past reviews were right about was that, he gives thirteen exams. Honestly, I had to study for hours just to get a B. Unless you want to use up all your time for a class, don't take him.
Prof. Travis' class was a lot of work, but it was pretty easy. Never expected I'd do well in Psychology until I took his class. He gives good feedback and he's very responsive to canvas messages. He's very strict on deadlines, so always make sure to be on top of your work.
Prof. Travis is very straightforward on his expectations. I suggest you really read the book and do all the work. Also, do not hesitate to ask questions. To sum everything up, we had 13 quizzes, 13 exams, and 13 discussion posts. Quite a lot actually but we'd only focus on one chapter a week and even have the exam due at the end of the week. Had fun in this class tbh!
Prof. Gregory's online class was an easy A. He also gives clear feedback if you missed anything! We had discussion post, quiz, and exams. There is no limit to the number of quiz trials, and the same question is asked in the exam. His discussion posts are super fun!!!
I took Prof. Gregory's online class, As long as you put in the effort, it's quite simple and straightforward. He's very responsive! There's no reason why you shouldn't get an A or better. You can retake the quiz as many times as you like, and you can take the tests twice if you want to maintain your best grade. I strongly advise you to enroll in his class!
Having this professor for a psychology class online is the best decision. He cares a lot and truly wants all of us students to pass. The class is simple and well thought out. I suggest you take his class, it's a solid 10 out of 10. Grab a spot in his class.
Pierce College - Psychology & Statistics
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: