Alfred University - Chemistry
Assistant Professor at St. Mary's College of Maryland
Higher Education
Saint Marys City, Maryland
Dr. Bowers is an interdisciplinary researcher and educator who has been teaching chemistry to undergraduates and supervising graduate and undergraduate research at small liberal arts colleges since 2008. He emphasizes the value of and advocates for high impact student-faculty co-learning experiences (such as undergraduate research), employs a variety of student-centered techniques in the classroom, uses real-world examples whenever possible, and stresses authentic assessment and teamwork skills in his courses. He keeps abreast of new pedagogy through active roles with Project Kaleidoscope, an organization that seeks to transform STEM (science-technology-engineering-mathematics) education. Dr. Bowers has more than a decade of research experience using solid-state NMR, XRD, and electron imaging techniques to study problems in physical geochemistry. His research group seeks to understand the structural and dynamical behavior of ions, H2O, supercritical CO2, supercritical CH4 and other fluids at established and newly forming mineral-fluid and organo-fluid interfaces. This work has critically important implications in understanding/improve shale-gas and tight-gas extraction, carbon dioxide capture and utilization, environmental transport modeling, nuclear waste remediation, nutrient cycling, industrial fouling, etc. and has been/is currently funded by the United States Department of Energy. Dr. Bowers also has two years of industrial R&D experience in the composite wet friction material industry and strong interests in the Manhattan Project and car chemistry.
Bowers is also the primary author of the book "Understanding Chemistry through Cars" published by CRC Press. Follow us on Twitter (@CarChemProf).
For more details, see my professional website:
Adjunct Associate Professor of Materials Engineering
Geoffrey worked at Alfred University as a Adjunct Associate Professor of Materials Engineering
Associate Professor and Chair, Division of Chemistry
Geoffrey worked at Alfred University as a Associate Professor and Chair, Division of Chemistry
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Geoffrey worked at Alfred University as a Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Assistant Professor
Geoffrey worked at St. Mary's College of Maryland as a Assistant Professor
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Performed research regarding dynamics at solid/fluid interfaces using solid-state NMR with R. James Kirkpatrick. Close collaboration with Andrey G. Kalinichev and David L. Bish.
Visiting Assistant Professor of Environmental Chemistry
Taught general chemistry, environmental chemistry, intro to environmental studies, and Manhattan project chemistry as well as supervising undergraduate research.
Post-doctoral Research Associate
Performed research regarding dynamics at solid/fluid interfaces under the guidance of R. James Kirkpatrick. Close collaboration with Andrey G. Kalinichev, Eric Oldfield's group, Chad Rienstra's group, and David L. Bish (Indiana University).
Chemical Engineering
Physical and Environmental Chemistry
Journal of Physical Chemistry C/American Chemical Society
Journal of Physical Chemistry C/American Chemical Society
CRC Press
An original book for car lovers and chemists that covers topics in general chemistry through the context of the car.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C/American Chemical Society
CRC Press
An original book for car lovers and chemists that covers topics in general chemistry through the context of the car.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Journal of Physical Chemistry C/American Chemical Society
CRC Press
An original book for car lovers and chemists that covers topics in general chemistry through the context of the car.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
American Mineralogist
Full author list: R. James Kirkpatrick, Andrey G. Kalinichev, Geoffrey M. Bowers, A. Ozgur Yazaydin, Krishnan Marimuthu, Moumita Saharay, Christin P. Morrow
Journal of Physical Chemistry C/American Chemical Society
CRC Press
An original book for car lovers and chemists that covers topics in general chemistry through the context of the car.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
American Mineralogist
Full author list: R. James Kirkpatrick, Andrey G. Kalinichev, Geoffrey M. Bowers, A. Ozgur Yazaydin, Krishnan Marimuthu, Moumita Saharay, Christin P. Morrow
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
Upstate NY Regional Network Steering Committee Co-leader 10/12 to 4/14; Steering Committee Member 10/12 to 10/15; Organizer Fall 2013 Meeting
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