Super cool dude. Come to lab prepared because. He won't hold your hand. He answers questions for the most part you are on your own.
Professor Deal has an amazing personality and he wants everyone to do well. However, he isn't going to baby sit you. You really have to study and prepare for the lab quizzes and practicals. He makes things simpler for his students and will be willing to help if you don't quite understand. Honestly, the whole 223 lab programs needs an overhaul, and he isn't to blame for that.
Honestly, I feel like Prof. Deal shouldn't be teaching lab at all. He just spends most of the class trying to work on his stand up routine instead of actually teaching. He has a vague teaching style. He's also not accessible when you have a question. He can be confrontational once you get ahold of him as well. If you don't wanna be stressed, do not take this class.
Due to COVID-19, I only had Prof. Deal for about half the sem. He doesn't go over much in lab so you're basically on your own. He constantly talks during a timed quiz and he always seems to be aggravated with his students. If you had a question, he would help you but make you feel stupid as well. Spelling is a big deal for him.
A&P labs are normally difficult and you actually have no choice to choose your prof. He can be funny and rude at times. He's a tough grader, but that's kind of expected already. This laboratory is self-taught, but he answers questions (although it is difficult to reach him during the lessons, as he spends most of his time making contacts).
Professor Deal must be the worst laboratory instructor I've ever taken. He will reprimand you for the smallest thing and the nonsense he comes up with. Avoid his class.
I only had Professor Deal for about half of the semester due to the pandemic. MyLab was of very little use to me. His instructions were hard to follow. If your answer on his test were on depth, then he will not accept it. It should be a word by word from your manual. Be prepared to be reprimanded for everything and to have a very little clarification of your questions.
College of Southern Nevada ALL - Anatomy