She's definitely an engaging professor. She made things easier to understand and do compared things with the same concept. Hands down to the one of my favorite professors.
A red flag was when the syllabus had the incorrect information on it, it wasn't updated until later. The lab chapters didn't match the actual chapter number that we were supposed to use to complete the lab assignment. She reads straight from the book and doesn't give you much more. She says "you got that" a lot as well. Gives no input on how to retain information.
Professor O'Reilly genuinely cares for her students. I took her class during Fall 2019. Just ask a question and she'll answer or research it. There are lots of real world applications too. Anatomy and physiology is a very lecture heavy course, no matter what professor you take it with. In her class, we took breaks during lecture and participated in group activities as well. Just review Jeopardy. Do I need to say more?
Santa Fe College - Health Science
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