Portland Community College - Geography
Instructor at Clackamas Community College
My name is Eric Roberts. I am a geospatial professional with over 20 years in the industry. I am seeking part/full-time faculty positions teaching Geographic Information Systems where I have the
opportunity to focus my professional efforts toward inspiring the next generation of GIS professionals.
I desire to leverage my passions for GIS technology, years of practical experience, and dynamic
curriculum delivery style towards achieving mutual goals for an institution that wishes to benefit from
an expert in the field with a calm and patient demeanor who understands adult education environments.
GIS Instructor - Adjunct Faculty
Taught GIS courses; provided lecture and lab instruction on the
principles of GIS and the use of ESRI GIS software for GIS Certificate Program
• Developed lecture and course materials as necessary
Geospatial Analyst and Leader
• Developed and taught digital feature extraction and point mensuration course used to certify
all Department of Defense analysts on precise coordinate mensuration
• Spearheaded the standup of a geospatial information fusion cell that introduced advanced
spectral and spatial analysis to traditional geospatial processes in order to overcome the unique
terrain, vegetation, and cloud cover in Latin America
• Led geospatial production team on a series of multi-million dollar foundation GIS projects to
customers throughout the Department of Defense utilizing commercial remotely sensed data
• Developed and implemented numerous training programs operating procedures for advanced
raster processing, digital feature extraction, and database management
• Geographic Information Systems Program Lead and Instructor
• Manage GIS certificate program
• Teach and develop curriculum
Lead Geospatial Analyst
• Adjunct faculty/instructor at the NGA College teaching critical thinking curriculum; assisted
in developing coursework
• Lead geospatial analyst for a team responsible for providing unique solutions using complex
analytical processes and advanced remote sensing and GIS analysis to address potential threats
to the United States
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: