Doctor Baun, was the greatest teacher I've ever had at University of Alabama Huntsville. He made learning History fun. He's a tough grader, but it's for the better of all his students. He's passionate and genuinely wants his students to succeed.
As he admitted, he's tough but fair. He gave many assignments, but it was a great class overall! He gives insightful feedback and he's more than willing to discuss grades during his office hours. Aside from the harsh grading, I don't particularly like his handwriting.
If you were tardy by a minute, Professor Baun considered you absent for the day, taking everything into account for grading. He's an excellent educator, but he does set the bar incredibly high. Prepare to put some effort in. His lessons, though, were enjoyable and at times he successfully injected excitement. However, I do not foresee taking another of his history classes.
University of Alabama Huntsville - History