The syllabus is scary. There is a lot of information (all good info), he will tell you what will need to be read for the following class. He uses "Connect" for all the readings, homework, quizzes and Tests. The tests aren't too hard. A combo of chapters and articles (important for class discussion). His website is very helpful. Overall if you read and participate it's an easy A.
At the start of the semester it was hard to figure out what was expected from his class. After the second class it started getting easier to understand his expectations. It is an Ethics class so participation is strongly encouraged. Be sure to give your opinions in class. He knows a lot of people so on the last day of class he invited professionals for a round table. The website is helpful.
Elam has got to be the Worst teacher. This Grumpy old man that should not be teaching anymore. Elam's teaching style is very vague and he does not communicate effectively what should be learned Worst teacher. This Grumpy old man that should not be teaching anymore. His teaching style is very vague and he makes multiple mistakes every class. He gets mad if you don't understand his lectures which have nothing to do with his quizzes. He is a Racist who will only help white students identify what should be learned. Also, the instructor makes multiple mistakes every class and he gets mad if you don't understand the lectures which have nothing to do with quizzes. This guy is a racist who only helps white students.
Texas A&M University San Antonio - Accounting
University Texas Austin
In retrospect the MPA was just getting underway. A graduate degree accounting and talking the CPA exam then would have been a much better decision. But frankly electronic spreadsheets were years away and using an adding machine to justify a spreadsheet was pretty boring
so I did not go the accounting route. \nWorse
Dr. Doenges asked if I wanted to pursue a PhD in Finance
I passed
What was I thinking?
General business then as now for this degree
The University of Texas at Austin - The Red McCombs School of Business
An incredible time to be in college and in Austin
Tx\nThe British Invasion of music had just gotten underway with the Sgt Pepper album out as I arrived on campus. The social mood was rapidly changing. For example in the mid sixties My Fair Lady and The Sound of Music were the Academy Award best pictures
by 1969 it was Midnight Cowboy. \nBlacklights
the Armadillo World Headquarters
tie dyed shirts and long hair were in vogue.\nMy freshman year I got to attend concerts with Simon and Garfunkel
Ssergio Mendes
and Duke Ellington. Two years later Jose Feliciano was on campus. What an experience.
Phi Eta Sigma Freshman Honors
Phi Kappa Phi All University Honors
Beta Gamma Sigma Business Honors
The University of Texas at Austin - The Red McCombs School of Business
Financial Reporting
Distance Learning
Internal Audit
Public Speaking
Higher Education
University Teaching
Microsoft Excel
Leadership Development
Financial Analysis
Elam Phd CPA
Elam Phd CPA
Texas State University
Texas A & M University San Antonio
Lecturer in Accounting
Texas State University
Texas A & M University San Antonio
2601 Louis Bauer Drive
Brooks City Base
San Antonio
TX 78235
I am teaching both under and graduate accounting classes at TAMUSA.
Associate Professor
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: