Texas A&M University College Station - Veterinary Sciences
PhD Graduate Student
Deborah worked at Texas A&M University as a PhD Graduate Student
Assistant Professor
Deborah worked at Texas A&M University as a Assistant Professor
Asst. Professor
Deborah worked at North Carolina State University as a Asst. Professor
Deborah worked at Case Western Reserve University as a Postdoc
Research Asst. Professor
Deborah worked at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill as a Research Asst. Professor
Postdoctoral fellow
research on Equine Infectious Anemia Virus (EIAV)
Postdoctoral trainee
Microbiology and Immunology
Research immune response to bacterial polysaccharides, cystic fibrosis related
cattle genomics/gene mapping
PhD Graduate Student
Assistant Professor
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: