This was the worst B I have ever gotten. The essays never were good enough. I lost marks for a missing comma or differences in the way I spelled things because I am British. A lot of the assignments were from really obscure texts which were not written for use in college English classes. Because of my cultural differences, I felt like I was doing a Ph. D. in linguistics. NEVER EVER take this professor for anything. Too bad Debora but you are a bad teacher and I will never forget you. I had to purchase the complete Encyclopedia Britannica so that I could keep up with your mistaken understanding of the English Language, needless to say the British version of the same. Heaven forbid.
This is honestly the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. Every week was spent with endless tortuous assignments and dreading classes. I even lost 20% for capitalizing a letter on an assignment. You will be accused of cheating if you are a savant of language and if you do well at an assignment. Honestly, I'd rather be waterboarded for 3 hrs a week than go through this trauma again.
Seneca College of Applied Arts and Technology ALL - English & Liberal Studies