University of Toronto St. George Campus - Geology
Visiting Professor at University of Toronto
Higher Education
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
I am interested in all applications of precise geochronology, high-temperature geochemistry, and igneous petrology to the understanding of geological processes related to ancient terrains, particularly those involving the origin of Achaean cratons. Samples range from terrestrial rocks to meteorites. It is also related with applied science (eg. dimension stones), as well as community work, to talk about science for people through the trinomy Geodiversity, Geoconservation and Geotourism.
Teaching experience:
Mineralogy and Petrology, Geochemistry, Geochronology, Planetary Geology, Basics of Geology, Dimension Stones
I taught small to large introductory and senior classes to undergraduate and graduate students
(BSc, MSc, PhD students)
Research interest:
Geochronology, Geochemistry, Mineralogy, Igneous Petrology
Meteorites, Kimberlites, Anorthosites, Granites, Alkaline Rocks
Early Earth, Archaean, Paleoproterozoic, Precambrian
Dimension Stones, Geoturism, Geoheritage, Geosciences Education
Further interests and experiences:
Geochronology and Geochemistry analyses (LA-ICP-MS, TIMS, Shrimp, Kober methodology, SEM, FRX, DRX)
Examination of building stones of historical buildings and monuments
Examination of gravestones of ancient and modern cemeteries.
Core description and documentation.
Creation of the meteorites and Solar System exhibitions of the Bahia´s Geological Museum, Organizing and leading of rocks, mineral, meteorite and fossil collecting field trips in Bahia.
Specialties: 2010 Postdoctoral studies - University of Toronto, Canadá. Earth Sciences/Geochronology/Geochemistry/Petrology
2003-2006 Postdoctorate. UFBA, Brasil. Ornamental/Dimension stones.
1997-2002 Ph.D. in Geology. UFBA. Genesis of granites, Geochronology, Litogeochemistry. Mineral Resources.
1996-1997 Master´s in Geology, UFBA. Lamprophyres, Syenites, alkaline magmas. Mineral Resources.
1990-1995 Bachelor in Geology, UFBA, Brasil.
1986-1989. Technical Course in Geology.IFBa, Brasil.
Professor / Researcher
Docência de cursos para graduação e pós-graduação. Coordenadora do Grupo de Petrologia Aplicada a Pesquisa Mineral. Desenvolvimento de pesquisas em petrologia, geocronologia, geoquímica, mapeamento geológico, educação em geociências, geoturismo e patrimônio geológico.
Postdoctoral fellow
Geochronology studies in Precambrian Terrains.
Visiting Professor
Debora worked at University of Toronto as a Visiting Professor
Ad hoc consultant and researcher
Project management, project coordination, training high education professionals, research development in igneous petrology, geochemistry, geochronology.
Postdoctoral Fellow
Applied Science.
Serrinha Nucleus Granites as Dimension and Ornamental Stones.
Development of an integrated GIS system and evaluation of the ornamental/dimension stone potential of granites from Serrinha Nucleus
(PhD) Genesis of granites from Serrinha Nucleus, Brazil: geochronology and litogeochemistry
Petrology, geochemistry, geochronology, Precambrian rocks, Early Earth
Doutor em Geologia
Petrologia, Geocronologia, Litogeoquimica
PhD Geology
Economic geology, metalogenesis, igneous petrology, geochemistry, geochronology
Professor / Researcher
Docência de cursos para graduação e pós-graduação. Coordenadora do Grupo de Petrologia Aplicada a Pesquisa Mineral. Desenvolvimento de pesquisas em petrologia, geocronologia, geoquímica, mapeamento geológico, educação em geociências, geoturismo e patrimônio geológico.
Technical Diploma
Geology/Earth Science, General
Editora Cedraz
A cartoon story about the geoheritage of Salvador City Historical area.
Conselho Auditor
Conselho Auditor
Conselho Auditor
Conselho Auditor
Conselho Auditor