David Wand

 David Wand

David Wand

  • Courses4
  • Reviews5


University of Toronto St. George Campus - International Studies


  • 2004

    Doctor of Philosophy - PhD

    Development Economics and International Development

    Tulane University

  • 1984

    Master of Public Administration (M.P.A.)

    Program evaluation and policy analysis.

    Public Policy Analysis

    •\tRecipient of the Dalhousie Graduate Fellowship\n•\tSpecialization in program evaluation


    and health/social policy\n\nCo-President of the Public Administration Student Society - Organized speaker series culminating in the invitation of two Associate Deputy Ministers from the Government of Canada and the Chairman of the Public Service Commission of Canada

    Dalhousie University

  • 1982

    Honours Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

    Thesis focused on statistical correlations between parental acceptance-rejection and locus of control construct in senior secondary school students.

    Social Psychology

    McMaster University

  • 1979

    Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)

    Biology/Biological Sciences


    McMaster University

  • •\tFounder and creator of the website www.EvaluateCanadaAid.org; a website that rates the quality of Canadian government training programs in developing countries on three dimensions: evaluation design

    evaluation independence

    and public availability.\n\nThis website advocates for the improvement in the evaluation of training programs in developing countries funded by the Government of Canada.


    Market Research

    Program Management

    Civil Society


    International Development


    Capacity Building

    Inferential Statistics

    Project Management


    Project Planning




    Program Evaluation





    Report Writing

    PhD Dissertation: Government Institutional Performance Examined through Social Capital and Collective Memory for selected District Assemblies in Ghana


    This study within six District Assemblies in Ghana sought to examine if relationships between their social capital and performance existed. Improvements in performance in these six District Assemblies were defined by increases in District Assembly Common Fund expenditures. Greater collective memory among members within a District Assembly was defined as decreases in the percentage of members believing that corruption was present or increases in the percentage of members believing that social capital was present in other District Assemblies. Greater social capital was defined as increases in the percentage of members reporting working with other members and perceiving that relationship as equal and trusting. Significant positive correlations were observed between collective memory and social capital but these correlations were not consistent with performance. Rather

    performance was either poor for all District Assemblies or increased as social capital and collective memory declined. This study may be useful for those examining how social capital/networks between individuals within a particular institution and its performance are related.

    PhD Dissertation: Government Institutional Performance Examined through Social Capital and Collective Memory for selected District Assemblies in Ghana

    CAREER OBJECTIVE: Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Manager/Advisor delivering short and long term M&E services in developing countries using my M&E and project management experience. \n\nSUMMARY OF EXPERTISE \n\n•\tOver 10 years of experience in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) in the health


    civil society


    emergency humanitarian

    and private sector development sectors including designing and advising on Theories of Change

    Logframes and data collection plans and analysis. \n•\tOver six years’ experience in designing


    and managing M&E projects in Canada

    Sierra Leone






    and Afghanistan. \n•\tOver eight years teaching/training experience in international development

    program evaluation

    inferential statistics

    and statistics software (SPSS


    Excel) at service delivery and post-secondary educational institutions. \n•\tExtensive experience in Africa coordinating and working with a variety of stakeholders such as scientific experts

    multi-lateral international organizations

    federal and local government representatives

    and non-government organizations across political


    and social strata and peer/supervisory roles to build M&E and statistical capacity. \n


    Wand PhD

    Ecorys UK


    UK Aid Direct

    Adam Smith International

    British Council

    NIRAS Sweden AB

    Mott MacDonald (formerly HLSP)

    UK Aid Direct

    African Development Bank

    Colombo Plan Secretariat


    United Kingdom

    Reviewing existing Theories of Change and related Results Frameworks for UK Foreign Commonwealth Office for 3 projects in Qatar


    and Bahrain to revise up to global FCO standards. Building M&E capacity specific to designing Theories of Change and Results Frameworks to achieve global FCO standards at London

    UK HQ.

    Monitoring And Evaluation Consultant

    UK Aid Direct

    Kigali Rwanda

    •\tReviewed project M&E Logframe and project documents concluding with revised and improved indicators along with designing an intervention logic model using Visio software for the Water for Growth Rwanda program.\n•\tReviewed logframes and related indicators from eight sectors

    the National Strategy for Transformation

    and District Development Strategies and compared them with Catchment Plan logframes resulting in the design of an overall generic catchment plan logic model. This involved identifying common themes of intervention between the various logframes and aligning indicators consistent with an overall theory of change and intervention logic.

    M&E Consultant

    Mott MacDonald (formerly HLSP)



    •\tAssessed the Eritrean Joint United Nations Team on HIV/AIDS (JUNTA) for UNAIDS

    Geneva through the completion of key stakeholder interviews and subsequent quantitative and qualitative analysis leading to recommendations on how the JUNTA coordinating mechanism could be improved. This assessment resulted in providing technical support to various government agencies/departments through these recommendations since these government departments were members of the JUNTA. \n•\tCoordinated HIV/AIDS program data collection from the UNFPA


    and UNAIDS resulting in the production of regular reports for the Norwegian donor representative. These reports were then shared with the various government agencies as part of the technical M&E support provided to the Eritrean government. \n•\tParticipated in the recruitment and selection of M&E experts for the UNDP and UNAIDS.

    Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Advisor



    Sri Lanka

    Designing and implementing monitoring and evaluation systems for the Gender Affairs Programme

    Monitoring and Evaluation Manager

    Colombo Plan Secretariat

    Reviewing three project M&E Logframes including project documents


    and the related Theory of Change for the Next Generation Gulf programme. Recommendations were provided on how to improve M&E Logframe and indicator design as well as research design for the purpose of supporting an evaluation of the programme.

    Monitoring And Evaluation Consultant

    British Council



    •\tDesigned and advised on data collection and analysis protocols to achieve data quality assurance for selected indicators within the Forestry sector for the Rwanda Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources.

    Data Protocol Advisor

    NIRAS Sweden AB



    •\tResponsible for delivering monitoring and evaluation (M&E) services to UK DFID for state level programs worth approximately $USD 600 Million covering health



    civil society

    and private sector development. This responsibility included forming evaluation teams of international and national M&E experts to complete annual evaluations as well as supervising national M&E experts on periodic M&E systems strengthening

    and disseminating IMEP M&E results to build Nigerian government M&E capacity at federal and state levels.\n•\tContributing to the development of M&E strategies in the health sector by ensuring and maintaining data quality standards through the supervision of data collection for selected performance indicators as part of monitoring the performance of the DFID Nigeria Partnership for Transforming Health Systems (PATHS) program. This included using these performance data from the PATHS program to assess the overall progress on implementing government health policy.\n•\tCoordinated and planned two M&E training workshops in collaboration with an international M&E expert that were delivered to National Planning Commission and Lagos state M&E staff that required extensive consultation to ensure consistency with overall government M&E strategies.

    National Program Manager/Team Leader - Independent Monitoring and Evaluation Project (IMEP)

    Ecorys UK

    Dhaka Cox's Bazar

    Designing monitoring and evaluation systems for the Rohingya response including advising on the design of M&E Logframes as well as facilitating and drafting a Theory of Change as part of the Rohingya response.

    Monitoring And Evaluation Adviser

    UK Aid Direct



    •\tDeveloped institutional performance indicators and advised on how to improve existing donor M&E frameworks to build the capacity of the National Statistical System.\n•\tDeveloped relationships with Government of Rwanda and donor representatives leading to the establishment of committees with representation by donors such as the World Bank and the USAID

    Ministry representatives

    and the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) focused on achieving statistical coordination in key sectors such as agriculture and education.\n•\tCoordinated technical missions to build statistical capacity from African Development Bank headquarters and provided technical support

    including statistical analysis and report writing

    to those missions.\n•\tProvided technical advice for the NISR ensuring high quality services are delivered by consulting teams specific to developing statistical institutional capacity.

    In-Country Statistician

    African Development Bank



    •\tResponsible for designing a MRM Manual and Value for Money strategy for a youth skills training project (Mafita) for the United Kingdom Department for International Development.

    Senior Monitoring Results Measurement Advisor

    Adam Smith International



    Recipient of the Dalhousie Graduate Fellowship

    Dalhousie University

