Texas A&M University College Station - Sociology
Senior Research Analyst at University of Chicago Consortium on School Research
Chicago, Illinois
People are fascinating. Why do we behave the way we do? What motivates our actions? How do we best understand ourselves? As a broadly trained social scientist, I have always been interested in the social dynamics that influence peoples’ decisions and the impact these decisions have in the world, be it in business, organizations, educational, or political spheres.
Answering questions about social actions and behaviors is easy if you have the right tools.
There is great value in the variety of systematic approaches to learning about the patterns in our shared behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, perspectives, and motivations. In other words, social scientific research methods are our best tools for better understanding how and why people behave as they do. As an expert in social science methods and theory, I have led and collaborated on a number of successful analytical projects using a wide variety of approaches and methods, revealing deep social processes. I enjoy using data to identify problems and create solutions.
Data is not worthwhile if it is not well-communicated. Communication – whether presenting at a professional conference, conducting a lecture, or advising stakeholders one-on-one, clear and effective communication is paramount. When communication channels are open, everyone is better informed, empowered, and productive.
I am a social scientist with years of experience conducting independent and collaborative projects. I am skilled in conducting analyses using a variety of approaches. I combine knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research design to promote rigorous, effective research.
For more information, contact me at orta.david@gmail.com
Research Assistant
Department of Sociology, Racial and Ethnic Studies Institute
Supervised experiment in social psychology laboratory; created protocols for study participant and model recruitment and data collection; coordinated project logistics as needed. Implemented research procedures and supporting faculty as needed.
Assistant Professor of Sociology
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Supervising independent and collaborative qualitative research projects resulting in publishable manuscripts.
Senior Research Analyst
David worked at University of Chicago Consortium on School Research as a Senior Research Analyst
Program Coordinator
The Corporate Workstudy Program
Managed the intake, professionalization training, and progress of high school student interns via orientation programs, one-on-one meetings, site-visits, and quarterly evaluations.
Research Associate
Global Research and Strategy Consulting
Leading respondent outreach and recruitment; collecting, managing, and synthesizing primary data; conducting preliminary analyses.
Master of Arts
Areas of Specialization: Urban Sociology, Community Studies
Areas of Specialization: Race & Ethnicity, Social Demography, Education, Research Methods
Research Assistant
Department of Sociology, Racial and Ethnic Studies Institute
Supervised experiment in social psychology laboratory; created protocols for study participant and model recruitment and data collection; coordinated project logistics as needed. Implemented research procedures and supporting faculty as needed.
Bachelor of Arts
Minor in Latina/Latino Studies
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
Media Relations Committee 2016-2017urn:li:fs_position:(ACoAAAXCvZkB4z0gRtHHeOSikPL-B2corf7IwkY,204613846)
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