Jan 2, 2020
Textbook used: No
Would take again: Yes
For Credit: Yes
Not Mandatory
Prof Holt was a great professor. He posts the power points online and gives you a list of topics on each of the exams, so even though I missed a lot of class, I still passed with an A. There were only two papers and two exams throughout the entire semester. I Highly recommend him.
Florida State College Jacksonville - History
Possible Matching Profiles
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:
- David M Holt (30% Match)
Long Beach City College - Long Beach City College
- David Holtzen (30% Match)
Asst Professor - Psychology/Ph
Framingham State University - Framingham State University (frc)
- Troy David Holtz (10% Match)
Technical College Faculty
Riverland Technical College - Austin - Mn St Colleges & Universities
- Troy David Holtz (10% Match)
Technical College Faculty
Riverland Technical College - Austin - Mn St Colleges & Universities
- Troy David Holtz (10% Match)
Technical College Faculty
Riverland Technical College - Austin - Mn St Colleges & Universities
- Troy David Holtz (10% Match)
Technical College Faculty
Rochester Community & Technical College - Mn St Colleges & Universities
- David Holt (00% Match)
Associate Professor
University Of South Carolina - University Of South Carolina