In the class of Professor Lei, for one of our midterms, 50% of the material was based on obscure attack, the padding oracle. He barely went over it in class and it wasn't found in any assignments or laboratories. You either got lucky and studied for it, or you did not and lost 50% of the marks on midterm. Just be cautious when taking the class under him.
Professor Lie is a very nice instructor. He tries to address every question in and after class carefully. Lectures are interesting and informative too. He reviews material from the last class at the beginning of every class. Laboratories and tests can be tricky. I would recommend going to the assigned laboratory hours to consult the laboratory teacher assistants.
University of Toronto St. George Campus - Electrical Engineering
Professor at University of Toronto
Computer Software
Toronto, Canada Area
My research goal is to make computer systems safer and more reliable. With the large degree that computing has permeated our lives, from mobile smartphones to ubiquitous cloud computing, it is crucial that this infrastructure that we rely so heavily on be secure and reliable. I take a variety of approaches to achieving this goal, including techniques using operating systems, program analysis, computer architecture, formal verification and networking.
Am also available for a variety of consulting services, such as technical advice and consultation, technical training and education in small groups, and expert witness advice and testimony.
Specialties: Computer Security, Virtual Machines, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture
David worked at University of Toronto as a Professor
Associate Professor
David worked at University of Toronto as a Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
David worked at University of Toronto as a Assistant Professor
Visiting Research Scientist (Sabbatical Leave)
Worked on Security and Privacy with SGX and Machine Learning.
Chief Security Architect
I helped Enomaly create their High Assurance Edition product for Trusted Cloud using Intel TXT technology.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Engineering Science
Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Chair: Graduate Studies, Canada Research Chair
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Chair: Graduate Studies, Canada Research Chair
Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Associate Chair: Graduate Studies, Canada Research Chair
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: