Dr. Cook's is an easy class as long as you follow directions and complete the projects. He is really interesting and he knows what he is talking about. His projects cover exactly the material but you must do the projects exactly as per his instructions.
I recommend that you avoid taking Professor Cook. You have to teach yourself in order to do well, because he doesn't do lectures, he just tells stories. He is unreliable when it comes to emails, he might get back to you once out of ten emails. When he graded several of my tests he marked them at least 15 points off, so I would constantly have to go to his office during office hours to get him to fix them.
Stephen F. Austin State University - Computer Science
Professor of Computer Science, Stephen F. Austin State University
Higher Education
Tyler, Texas Area
I teach in both the graduate and undergraduate areas of computer science at Stephen F. Austin. My interests are in simulation, software engineering, and in distributed and parallel processing.
Principle Member, Technical Staff
Senior Research Scientist, and a Verification and Validation agent for the Airborne Laser program. I also consulted on various Navy and Air Force programs involving real-time and embedded systems.
I teach Software Engineering, Enterprise and Network Security, Object-Oriented Programming, and Modeling & Simulation
Retired as Major
Applications Programmer, Technical Instructor, Professor at USAF Academy, Professor at AFIT
Prnciple Member of the Technical Staff
Consultant, attached to the Air Force Software Technology Support Center. Taught workshops on various software engineering topics. Authorized Personal Software Process (PSP) instructor.
Computer Science
Master of Science (M.S.)
Teleprocessing Science
B. S.
Computer Science
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The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: