University of Toronto St. George Campus - Humanities
Board member
Ontario Health Communities Coalition
The workshop is Awakening the Dreamer
Changing the Dream or in the youth version Generation Waking Up Experience - the goal of which is to bring forth a socially just
spiritually fulfilling and ecologically sustainable human presence to this planet.
Workshop facilitator
Pachamama Alliance
LETSystems are a very elegant
simple accounting system that allows commercial transactions to take place using a virtual money system without the need for national currency. In the process economic activity is generated when cash is in short supply (as in a recession).
LETS Toronto
Toronto Dollar
Awakening the Dreamer
Changing the Drearm Symposium
the Toronto Dollar is a community currency that stimulates the local economy while supporting organizations that provide support for low income
homeless and otherwise disempowered people in the community -
Toronto Dollar
University of Toronto
Faculties of Dentistry and Pharmacy
University of Toronto
Selected bibliography:\n\nMain P.
Leake J.
Burman D. (2006) Oral Health Care in Canada – A View from the Trenches J Can Dental Assoc
72 (4): 319.\n\nJackson S.
Cleverly S.
Poland B.
Robertson A.
Burman D.
Goodstadt M.
Salsberg L.
(1997) Half Full or Half Empty? North York Community Health Research Unit..\n\nBurman
D.G. (1996) \"Community Currency for Healthy Community\" Chapter 10 In Mark Roseland (ed) Eco-city Dimensions: Healthy Community
Healthy Planet\"\n\nBurman
(1994) How communities can thrive in the global economy
Peace Magazine
and Burman
(1991) Dental fear in an older adult population
Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology 19: 120-121.\n\nLiddell
D. and Burman
(1991) Self reported fears (FSS-II) of subjects aged 50 years and over
Behavioral Research and Therapy 29: 105-112.\n\nBurman
D. and Otchere
(1990) Ontario dental assistants' job satisfaction: relationship to work stress and intention to change jobs
Journal of the Canadian Dental Association 56: 617-620.
Adjunct Professor
Understanding: \nOur practice philosophy is to provide the best dental treatment in a compassionate
relaxing environment in which patients' concerns come first. \n\nWe are aware that many people are nervous about dental treatment for many reasons. We see patients who may not have been to a dentist for 10 or 12 years out of fear or shame at what we might say. You will never be judged at our practice! We are psychologically oriented
with many modalities at our disposal to make you feel secure. For example
we can provide sedation by oral medication or nitrous oxide (laughing gas). We can also provide hypnosis and acupuncture for relaxation and pain control. \n\nThere is no such thing as a dumb question
and you will never be judged for the way you feel
your past experience or your present condition
whatever that might be. \n\nWe are a general dental practice with emphasis on prevention of decay and gum disease. \n\nOur office is wheelchair accessible and we care for disabled patients. We accept all benefit plans
including all forms of disability support.
Dental Care Centre
board member
Our mission is to create innovative solutions to meet community challenges and build strong
equitable and sustainable communities through education
engagement and collaboration\n\nsee to learn about this marvelous organization.
Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition
The Ecologos Institute
Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition
University of Toronto
Department of Aboriginal Studies
Focus on Awakening the Dreamer symposium
Generation Waking Up
and Waterdocs film festival
The Ecologos Institute
Awakening the Dreamer
Changing the Drearm Symposium
Purpose to bring about an ecologically sustainable
socially just and spiritually or personally fulfilling human presence - each of which is necessary for the other -- to the planet.
Canada Area
ICA Canada
Health Canada (formerly Medical Services Branch
Government of Canada)
Vice chair
helped guide policy in difficult financial circumstances
ICA Canada
dental officer
Moose Factory Zone
responsible for all aspects of dental care of indigenous populations from Moose Factory to Winisk (now moved to Peawanik). Included flying in to remote communities twice per year
instituting preventive programs in schools and with band councils as well as providing ongoing care to residents of Moose Factory and Moosonee.
Health Canada (formerly Medical Services Branch
Government of Canada)
This course examines the many issues surrounding the health of aboriginal people living in Canada. During the 13 weeks of class
students will be come to understand the present day health issues of aboriginal peoples from the perspective of their historical and political context and the effects of health care policy. The many highly qualified speakers from the Aboriginal community
its focus on health and the healing process and its experiential format make this course unique in the university. Optional
but strongly recommended
field trips include a \"medicine walk\" on the Six Nations reserve in which students will be able to see firsthand the source of some of the herbal preparations that are used in healing
and a purification (sweat) lodge ceremony outside the city. The course is enriched by its association between students of the Faculty of Pharmacy and the Aboriginal Studies program in the Faculty of Arts and many of whom are of Aboriginal origin. Registration is limited to 34 students.
University of Toronto
Department of Aboriginal Studies
Former Course Instructor
Introduced community based health promotion and healthy communities concepts
social determinants of health
indigenous health issues beyond individual health care.
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Science for Peace
University College
executive committee
member at large
former Board member
Public Health Education
Program Evaluation
Community Engagement
Pain Management
Personal Development
Community Development
Leadership Development
Community Outreach
Public Speaking
Health Promotion
Workshop Facilitation
Program Development
information center for transformative education
holistic education
spiritual education and how business might integrate these understandings. using the homeplanet virtual university as the delivery system
Mimico Creek Art Jam
Pottery show
with 6 other artists
247 Berry Road
Etobicoke. Saturday and Sunday July 13
13 - 10 am - 5 pm.
Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine
Science for Peace
Dental Care Centre
Thesis titles:\n1989 PhD \tDentists' Self-Acceptance and their Responses to Negative Affect in Patients. Division of Community Health
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto. \n\n1983 MSc \tDentists' Perceptions of Fearful Patients. Division of Community Health
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto.\n\t\t\t\nPublications:\nBurman
(1990) The effects of office art on patients' mood
Ontario Dentist 67(11): 28-32.\n\nBurman
(1989) \"Fear of dentistry doesn't always start in the dental chair: some thoughts on the origins of dental fears\" Ontario Dentist 66(6): 33-38.\n\nBurman
(1988) \"Empathy conquers dental phobias\" Ontario Dentist 65(1): 16-21.\n \nChenoy
(1985) \"Vision of health in 2011\"
Health Management Forum 6(4): 50-54.\n\nJackson
and D.G. Burman
(1985) \"Creating a positive vision of health\"
Health Management Forum 6(1): 4-12.
Community Health
Green politics
health future think tank
community development facilitation
development of community currencies
board member: Ontario Healthy Communities Coalition
board member: Canadian Institute for Cultural Affairs.
Thesis: 1980\tThe Origins of fear in Dentistry. Faculty of Dentistry
University of Toronto
dental public health
honourary clinical assitant
Presented research paper: \"The Effect of Suxamethonium Administration on Serum Creatinine Levels
With and Without Thiopentone.\" - Anaesthetics department
University College Hospital
Honorary clinical assistant in anaesthetics at University College Hospital Medical School
Gower St. London. Most aspects of general anaesthesia from ENT to obstectrics.
University College London
U. of London
Graduating thesis -- The Dental Health of Southern Baffin Island Eskimo Children: Report of Survey (from original field research). Faculty of Dentistry
University of Toronto.
Water polo team
swimming instructor
house manager at Campus Cooperative Residence Association.
board member
executive committee
science for peace
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: