He will only post online exam grades. His case review is super easy, everyone got 100s. There are pop quizzes 1-2 times a week. Pay attention! Study for the exams a day before
Dr. Lynch is wonderful! His tests are very straightforward. His class is heavily lecture based. So be sure to Show up for class. He also gives out pop quizzes throughout the semester; they aren't difficult and can help your grade out as long as you come to class.
The stories were interesting, but there were a lot of notes and work I had no interest in doing.
Prof Lynch doesn't post notes so be sure to make a friend in class! He does pop quizzes sometimes also, but they are only two questions, and you can even miss quite a number of them without it hurting your grade. The tests weren't that bad, very straight-forward. He goes over the books in class with you before each test which is good because they are dry.
I really loved Dr. Lynch! Prof. Lynch is chill on a whole different level. Textbook and a couple other books are required, but key points are discussed in lecture. Coursework is really manageable. It's important to show up in class because lecture notes aren't posted online. Dr. Lynch has a lot of cool experiences and knowledge that he'll share so lectures are very interesting.
Professor Lynch, made ANTH 205 an enjoyable class. He's funny and pretty blunt about most of the subject matter. His class consists of three exams, a paper and eleven quizzes. The paper is very easy, as long as you do it. On the other hand, the exam and quiz difficulty depends on how often you went to class. Both were heavily from the lectures, so show up and take notes.
Exams are straight from the notes; all you need to know is the examples and definitions. He's a laid-back man. It wasn't my favorite class, but it was honestly the easiest!
This is a review during the COVID-19. The final exam questions were on Quizlet, the quizzes were simple, and the grading was fair. 10/10 would recommend this class! Such an amazing experience!
Prof. Lynch was fantastic! The pop quizzes aren't bad if you spend a few minutes before class going over your notes, and the tests are taken directly from his lecture notes. You will really have to attend class. Our most recent exam was focused exclusively on two books (because of COVID-19), yet it was still manageable.
Texas A&M University College Station - Anthropology