University of Toronto St. George Campus - Humanities
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Adult Education and Community Development
University of Toronto
Advanced University Teaching Program Certificate
Centre for Teaching Support & Innovation
University of Toronto
University of Toronto
School of Cities at the University of Toronto
University of Victoria
University of Toronto
University of Toronto Scarborough
Canada Area
Assist in the delivery of a range of courses at UofT throughout my Master's degree and PhD. Courses include: Municipal and Planning Law in Ontario
Environmental Planning
Urban Design
New Economic Spaces
Introduction to African Studies
Africa and the World
Political Ecology
Conservation and Sustainable Development
Teaching Assistant
University of Toronto
Hired under the SSHRC Partnership Development Grant to assist in coordination of faculty research regarding Indigenous education
especially the piloted First Nations Schools Principals' Course. This position involves working with faculty and partnering organizations to collect and analyze data
and has yielded journal publications (for which I am lead author) and conference presentations.
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
CUPE 3902 Joint Health and Safety Committee
Canada Area
Attend Joint Health and Safety Committee meetings; discuss and vote on matters of workplace health and safety as a representative of my Faculty and Union at UofT.
Union Representative
Courses taught:\n1. Environmental thought & contemporary political action (research seminar); Department of Human Geography\n\n2. Political Ecology: Nature
and Environmental Change
in the Department of Human Geography.\n\n3. Environmental Conservation and Sustainable Development
in the Department of Human Geography\n\n4. Geography of Global Processes
Department of Human Geography
University of Toronto Scarborough
University of Toronto
My PhD Candidacy consisted of many contract positions at the University of Toronto as a researcher
teaching assistant
and course instructor
as well as various academic achievement awards and scholarships.
PhD Candidate
Designed a high-school/university entry-level curriculum project as a deliverable for the Youth Outreach component of a major collaborative research initiative
entitled iCity. I designed the cross-curricular unit to incorporate numerous pedagogical resources and technologies that serve to enhance student experience and skills. The goal of the unit is to design a complete-street
while extending student connections and understandings of their nearby urban environments. \n
Maximum City
Cananda and Eastern Cape Province
South Africa
Research assistant under African Research Institute Grant
conducted field work for rural development project in South Africa and contributed to its publication in peer-reviewed journal
Land Use Policy. Link to policy brief included below.
Research Assistant
University of Toronto
Environmental Studies Association of Canada (ESAC)
Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
Canadian Association for the Study of Indigenous Education (CASIE)
Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE)
Canadian Association of Geographers (CAG)
MacIntosh Prize in Geography
Department of Geography
University of Western Ontario
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Award
Ontario Provincial Government
Ontario Graduate Scholarship Award
Declined in favour of larger award from federal government
Government of Ontario
Michael Ralph Walsh Scholarship
Department of Geography
Gold Medal
University of Western Ontario
Certificate of Merit for Academic Excellence
Department of Geography
University of Western Ontario
Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Government of Ontario through the School of Graduate Studies
OISE Academic Excellence Award
OISE Academic Excellence Award
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education
Ontario Graduate Scholarship
Ontario Government
SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
000 awarded from Canadian government for academic merit and doctoral research
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Counicl
Award for Excellence in Scholarship
National Council for Geographic Education and the Association of American Geographers
Master of Arts (M.A.)
MA thesis on development strategies affecting Indigenous peoples in the Wild Coast Region of South Africa. Final thesis edited and published in The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology
entitled \"'Development’ at the crossroads: Biodiversity and land-use tensions on South Africa’s Wild Coast\"
Geography and Planning
University of Toronto
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
Maximum City
Researching recently sold properties in the Toronto Region
contributing findings to tax valuation process using specialized software programs
checking status of permits for industrial properties across Toronto
and updating government lists accordingly
Property Valuation Assistant
Canada Area
Municipal Property Assessment Corporation
Conduct research on Indigenous Online Education through the Department of Indigenous Education. \n\nThis role involves gathering and assessing a broad range of data from previous or existent educational programs
writing publications
and presenting on the subject matter throughout Canada.
University of Victoria
School of Cities at the University of Toronto
Canada Area
conduct and present research related to sustainable cities. Special focus on the City of Toronto
Sustainable Cities Working Group
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Honours Specialization in Geography
Western University
Integrating Food Security with Land Reform: A More Effective Policy for South Africa
This policy brief asks how the South African government should ensure that its efforts to promote agriculture as a food security measure do not exacerbate the land tenure rights of the rural poor
which were already weakened under apartheid. Answering this question
the authors argue
necessitates the recognition that land reform in South Africa has not progressed as well as expected.
I consult the condo association re: means of increasing building sustainability and efficiency
as well as ways to encourage residents to slightly modify individual behaviours
contributing to an overall large scale change. I also help facilitate environmental education events in the building.
1001 Bay Condo Association
Green Committee
organize and coordinate events and relevant meetings for sustainability projects at 1001 Bay St Condos. Winner of $12
000 municipal grant for the project entitled \"Greenest Building on Bay St\"
1001 Bay Condo Association
Energy Exchange Program
Moksha Yoga & Meditation
Trading-off: Rural food security and land rights in South Africa
Thembela Kepe
Trading-off: Rural food security and land rights in South Africa
Thembela Kepe
Engagement with development proposals affecting Indigenous communities in the Wild Coast
South Africa
using a political ecology theoretical framework
\"'Development’ at the crossroads: Biodiversity and land-use tensions on South Africa’s Wild Coast\"
Book Review of Red Skin
White Masks: Rejecting the Colonial Politics of Recognition by G.S. Coulthard
Thembela Kepe
Integrating Food Security with Land Reform: A More Effective Policy for South Africa
Co-authored by JP. Restoule
P. Gaviria
J. Flessa
C. Lindeman
and C. Scully-Stewart. Please message me for a copy of the PDF
The Five R’s for Indigenizing online learning: A case study of the First Nations Schools’ Principals Course
CUPE 3902 Joint Health and Safety Committee
Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto