Orange Coast College - History
General Education Professor at American University of Health Sciences
Higher Education
Mitchell, Ph.D.
Greater Los Angeles Area
I am an educator and facilitator of learning who advances learner-centered and evidence-based practices in the classroom environment, while following the sociology of education model. As a pedagogist and andragogist I utilize culturally-relevant teaching and visual arts-based tools as effective teaching strategies. I have created an action research educational tool, the Afrivisual, to help African-descended learners to connect with ancient African ancestral history prior to the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. I want to continue to create visual arts-based educational tools that share praxis in culturally-relevant paradigms and that are applicable for students of diverse ethnicities in multi-cultural academic settings.
Instructor of History
I have taught Western Civilization, African Civilization, and early and modern US History.
Instructor of History
I taught early and modern US History and Western Civilization.
Instructor of Social Science and History
I taught Social Science and modern US History.
General Education Professor
I taught U.S. History and Political Science.
Instructor of History
I have taught early and modern African American History and modern US History.
Educational Studies
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Educational Studies
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