Clifford Spyker

 CliffordL. Spyker

Clifford L. Spyker

  • Courses2
  • Reviews6


Mount Royal University - Accounting


  • 1992

    Clifford L.


    MKS Learning Centre Inc.

    C L Spyker Consulting

    8227 Elbow Drive SW Calgary Alberta

    MKS Learning was a private vocational school founded by Rick Krushelnicki and myself in 1992 as an extension of our accounting practice MKS Chartered Accountants (1988). The school was focused upon owner-operator growing businesses. Our expertise was developed by working with over 2

    600 small start-up businesses in southern Alberta over the last 20+ years.\n\nDuring the twenty active years of service to the Calgary community we worked with the provincial and federal government to provide the Self-Employment Program (SE Program) in Calgary and were the longest running and one of the most successful SE Programs in Calgary and Western Canada.\n\nOur program had a very special emphasis we call \"Pick a Square\" which assists growing businesses to focus their energy and resources in the optimal positions within the marketplace.\n\nTo learn more about the school or \"Pick A Square\" contact me directly at

    Director and Co-Founder

    MKS Learning Centre Inc.

    I have been attending the University of Calgary and as a an Associate Professor at Mount Royal University teaching accounting. As my studies draw to a conclusion over the next year I anticipate becoming more active with a focus upon small Non-Profit Organizations (NPOs) accounting issues. My current thesis and research topics are in the area of performance metrics for registered charities and I hope to apply this work to assisting small local NPOs. My aim over the next two years is to build a small Non-Profit Organization governance consulting practice.

    C L Spyker Consulting

    Assisant to VP Planning

    This was a great introduction to the oil and gas business. Aberford Resources was an exploration company that grew out of the NEP in 1984. During my short tenure there I saw three business cycles and learned a great amount from my boss Randy Findlay.\n\nOf interest Aberford Resources latter morphed into Talismen Resources so I should have stayed and cashed in my small amount of options. OH the decisions I have made.

    Aberford Resources


    I joined PW straight out of the University of Saskatchewan and our first day was like kids at camp. Twenty-seven kids from across Canada met in a small conference room and had our first experiences of life at a big audit firm.\n\nWhile I did not really enjoy my time in audit I loved the people and learned more than I thought possible. I look back now and understand that this introduction to working with very bright people and peering into the business activities of over fifty businesses was the most valuable work experience possible.\n\nI was glad to leave but thank PW for the contributions it made to my career and would not be at MRU without them. Thanks Dennis Bleakley.



    Canada Area

  • 1988

    MKS Chartered Accountants

    Rick Krushelnicki and I started MKS Chartered Accountants in Calgary August 1988. Driving back from a lake in Ontario we stopped in small towns from Kenora Ontario to Calgary Alberta picking up their local newspapers and reading and talking about the game changing hockey trade of Gretzky to LA. We decided if hockey could make a change like that what was quitting our jobs and starting our own business.\n\nWhile I am no longer a partner in the practice the firm has continued to grow from these small beginnings to a vibrant small office at 8227 Elbow Drive Calgary Alberta. The firm continues to focus on small business with Rick (Krusher) building an excellent strength in small business owner-operated tax and accounting issues.

    MKS Chartered Accountants

    Associate Professor - Accounting

    I have great fun teaching introductory accounting and senior management accounting seminars. I especially enjoy watching students completely change their beliefs about accounting and begin to make the transition to choose accounting as part of their career choice.\n\nIn my prior career I taught entrepreneurship seminars to start up new ventures through MKS Learning Centre and find these experiences are extremely helpful and translate well into the university classroom. I find that students can learn much better if the concepts are connected through business experiences.

    Mount Royal University

  • 1985

    Deliotte Haskins and Sells (Sells Sells)

    Aberford Resources


    Mount Royal University

    Saskatoon Saskatchewan

    My work in consulting for a Big Eight firm at the time was especially valuable. I worked with a great group headed by Ronn Lepage. Ronn was an excellent mentor and allowed this group to professionally grow within a tightly controlled atmosphere.\n\nI was with this group of individuals that I discovered my passion for entrepreneurship and I continue to be thankful for the opportunity and learning they provided.

    Junior Consultant

    Deliotte Haskins and Sells (Sells Sells)

  • 1984



    Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants

  • 1974


    Accounting and Computers

  • Project Planning

    Event Management



    Public Speaking


    Time Management

    Leadership Development





    Team Building




    Program Management


    Adult Education

    Small Business


ACCT 2121
