Texas A&M University Galveston - Chemistry
Higher Education
Dickinson, Texas
Vernier technology.
Fortran, Matlab/Octave, Labview on Linux.
Linux servers. Worked on SUN Solaris, IBM AIX and ATT 3B2 Unix servers now retired too.
Interests: Delft3D.
Managing 5 acres of post oak/savanah habitat in Bastrop county.
Retired Assistant Instructional Professor
Taught organic chemistry and physics labs in the 80's. Went on thee 10 week cruises with the Texas Clipper. Worked 3 years for IT managing Sun email sever. Have been teaching engineering students computer based laboratories, and an introductory computer programming class. Went on summer 2011 cruise on Peace Corp Arctic Sunrise where water profiles and bottom samples were taken near the BP gulf oil spill (providing computer support for CTD mainly).
Learned basics of Teledyne Webb Research Slocum G1 autonomous glider piloting.
Bachelor of Science (BS)
Marine Biology
MA Environmental Analysis
Organic and Biological Geochemistry