Christopher Andrews

 Christopher Andrews

Christopher Andrews

  • Courses2
  • Reviews4
May 13, 2020
Textbook used: Yes
Would take again: Yes
For Credit: Yes




Doctor Andrews is an amazing professor. He'll provide good advices, on how to modify your projects We do have to do a lot of reading on his class though. But just keep it up, it's not that bad. I suggest you to take his class. You won't regret it.


Texas A&M University Corpus Christi - English


  • Tarleton State University

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Taught developmental writing as well as composition, rhetoric, and research courses to freshman students.

  • Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy

    Section Editor

    Review and acquisition as well as design, development, and copyediting of open-access peer-reviewed scholarly webtexts on rhetoric, technology, and pedagogy.

    Special emphasis on webtexts using HTML/CSS and HMTL5. Ensure webtexts are not only high-quality scholarship, but are also technically well designed, well written and edited, accessible, and sustainable.

    Editors at Kairos use a variety of writing and communication technologies to collaborate from geographically diverse locations on multi-stage editorial work.

  • Freelance


    I have worked as a copyeditor on the following publications:

    The New Work of Composing. Eds. Debra Journet, Cheryl Ball, Ryan Trauman. Logan, UT: Computers & Composition Digital Press/Utah State UP, 2012.

    ePortfolio Performance Support Systems: Constructing, Presenting, and Assessing Portfolios in Public Workplaces. Eds. Katherine V. Wills, Rich Rice. Perspectives on Writing. Fort Collins, Colorado: The WAC Clearinghouse and Parlor Press, 2012.

  • McMurry University

    Assistant Professor

    Responsible for developing and delivering technical writing, rhetoric, composition, and literature courses, developing writing assessment policies, developing a Certificate of Writing, collaborating with colleagues on the educational mission of the department, CLEP evaluation, advising English majors and freshman students, and leading as a faculty sponsor for a student chapter of Sigma Tau Delta.

    Extensive leadership and participation in information technology culture and policy on campus, including service on Instructional Technology Committee (Chair 2014-2015; Vice Chair 2013-2014), the McMurry Tablet Review Committee (Spring 2013), and Board of Trustees Technology and Information Services Subcommittees (2007-2008, 20008-2009).

    Service on other committees and task forces, including Faculty Council (2014-2016) the Education Advisory Committee (2010-2013, Vice Chair in 2012-2013), the Teacher Education Committee (2004-2005), the Writing & Communication across the Curriculum Task Force (2006-2008), and multiple Judicial Review Boards.

  • Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

    Assistant Professor

    Christopher worked at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi as a Assistant Professor


  • Texas Tech University

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Technical Communication and Rhetoric
    Dissertation Composing technology: A critical rhetorical analysis of doxa on the Writing Program Administrators LISTSERV Academic work focusing on Computers and Composition, Digital & New Media Rhetoric, Rhetorical Theory and Analysis, and Technical Communication

  • Tarleton State University

    Master's Degree

    English Language and Literature
    Thesis: Henry Noble Day: Rhetoric and Invention in Elements of the Art of Rhetoric Academic work focusing on Composition History, Pedagogy, and Theory

  • Tarleton State University

    Graduate Teaching Assistant

    Taught developmental writing as well as composition, rhetoric, and research courses to freshman students.


  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • Composing MOOCs: Conversations about Writing in Massive Open Online Courses with Denise Comer, Jeffrey T. Grabill, Kay Halasek, Bill Hart-Davidson, Patricia James, & Steven Krause

    Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 20.1

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • Composing MOOCs: Conversations about Writing in Massive Open Online Courses with Denise Comer, Jeffrey T. Grabill, Kay Halasek, Bill Hart-Davidson, Patricia James, & Steven Krause

    Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 20.1

  • Writing Instructors Really Are a Pretty Selfless Lot: Constructing Students and Technology on the WPA-L

    Presentation at Rhetoric Society of America, Philadelphia, PA

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • Composing MOOCs: Conversations about Writing in Massive Open Online Courses with Denise Comer, Jeffrey T. Grabill, Kay Halasek, Bill Hart-Davidson, Patricia James, & Steven Krause

    Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 20.1

  • Writing Instructors Really Are a Pretty Selfless Lot: Constructing Students and Technology on the WPA-L

    Presentation at Rhetoric Society of America, Philadelphia, PA

  • A New Method in User-Centered Design: Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP)

    Journal of Technical Writing and Communication

    To build upon user-centered design methods, we used a collaborative and multi-modal approach to involve users early in the design process for a Web site. This paper presents our methods and results and addresses the benefits and limitations of the Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP), including ways in which this new method can be implemented.

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • Composing MOOCs: Conversations about Writing in Massive Open Online Courses with Denise Comer, Jeffrey T. Grabill, Kay Halasek, Bill Hart-Davidson, Patricia James, & Steven Krause

    Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 20.1

  • Writing Instructors Really Are a Pretty Selfless Lot: Constructing Students and Technology on the WPA-L

    Presentation at Rhetoric Society of America, Philadelphia, PA

  • A New Method in User-Centered Design: Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP)

    Journal of Technical Writing and Communication

    To build upon user-centered design methods, we used a collaborative and multi-modal approach to involve users early in the design process for a Web site. This paper presents our methods and results and addresses the benefits and limitations of the Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP), including ways in which this new method can be implemented.

  • Why Risk It? Interdisciplinary Faculty on Multimodal Writing

    Presentation at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, FL

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • Composing MOOCs: Conversations about Writing in Massive Open Online Courses with Denise Comer, Jeffrey T. Grabill, Kay Halasek, Bill Hart-Davidson, Patricia James, & Steven Krause

    Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 20.1

  • Writing Instructors Really Are a Pretty Selfless Lot: Constructing Students and Technology on the WPA-L

    Presentation at Rhetoric Society of America, Philadelphia, PA

  • A New Method in User-Centered Design: Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP)

    Journal of Technical Writing and Communication

    To build upon user-centered design methods, we used a collaborative and multi-modal approach to involve users early in the design process for a Web site. This paper presents our methods and results and addresses the benefits and limitations of the Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP), including ways in which this new method can be implemented.

  • Why Risk It? Interdisciplinary Faculty on Multimodal Writing

    Presentation at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, FL

  • Review of Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design

    Communication Design Quarterly 2b.4

  • From a Distance: Graduate Education and Scholarly Agency

    Presentation at Conference of College Teachers of English, Stephenville, TX

  • Professionalism in vivo: Graduate students on Facebook

    Open Words: Access and English Studies

  • Composing MOOCs: Conversations about Writing in Massive Open Online Courses with Denise Comer, Jeffrey T. Grabill, Kay Halasek, Bill Hart-Davidson, Patricia James, & Steven Krause

    Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy 20.1

  • Writing Instructors Really Are a Pretty Selfless Lot: Constructing Students and Technology on the WPA-L

    Presentation at Rhetoric Society of America, Philadelphia, PA

  • A New Method in User-Centered Design: Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP)

    Journal of Technical Writing and Communication

    To build upon user-centered design methods, we used a collaborative and multi-modal approach to involve users early in the design process for a Web site. This paper presents our methods and results and addresses the benefits and limitations of the Collaborative Prototype Design Process (CPDP), including ways in which this new method can be implemented.

  • Why Risk It? Interdisciplinary Faculty on Multimodal Writing

    Presentation at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Tampa, FL

  • Review of Managing Chaos: Digital Governance by Design

    Communication Design Quarterly 2b.4

  • You Have a New Friend Request: Graduate Students, Facebook, and Self-Sponsored Professionalization

    Presentation at Conference on College Composition and Communication, Houston, TX

Possible Matching Profiles

The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:

  • Christopher Andrews (30% Match)
    Adjunct Instructor
    North Orange County Community College District - North Orange County Community College District


ENGL 4320



ENGL 3301
