Professor Anderson is amazing. He is absolutely hilarious, which really keeps you engaged in the lecture. He truly cares about his students and even constantly reminds us that he's on the same team as his students. Attendance is not mandatory, but I would highly recommend going because if you are not in class, you'll miss out on important information. He however he does post the PowerPoint slides.
Professor Anderson is a great teacher but makes the class decently hard. Participating in class is optional and you have six tests the entire semester. I would r=suggest to make sure you study the power points before class so you know what he's lecturing about during class. The class is solid, you don't have to work THAT hard but you definitely have to put in some work.
Professor Anderson is my favorite professor and it was my was favorite class! He is awesome and so funny. You have to study but he makes it so interesting and the tests are straightforward!
Professor Anderson does a good job of explaining the material and the lectures are always interesting. Even though Physiology is not the most simple of courses, his lectures make it that much easier to understand. All of the notes are on the blackboard, there's no homework at all, and only seven tests. The final is also optional, as well as being cumulative. There's studying required and you need to comprehend the material to pass.
Virginia Commonwealth University - Physiology
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor:
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: