Lehman College - Computer Science
Lehman College
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Piaggio Fast Forward
CUNY City College STEM Institute
Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation
The City College of New York
Taught talented high school students about the fundamentals of mobile robotics using the Raspberry Pi (computer) and Python programming language in order to actuate motors and poll sensor data (e.g. ultrasonic
infrared) and various electronic components. Ultimately
participants built robots to compete in an autonomous robot sumo tournament.
CUNY City College STEM Institute
Piaggio Fast Forward
Enhancing the capabilities of personal mobile robots through computer vision
Senior Robotics Engineer
Greater New York City Area
CIS 212: Microcomputer Architecture (CUNY Lehman College
Spring 2014-Present) \n\nThis requirement course provides a broad study of architecture of microcomputer systems with emphasis on CPU functionality
system bus & memory design and performance
secondary storage technologies and management
input/output peripherals (display and printer technologies)
and network technologies. The course follows the Systems Architecture textbook by Stephen D. Burd.\n\nCMP 230: Programming Methods I (CUNY Lehman College
Fall 2013)\n\nIntroduced freshman students to structured computer programming using Python
a modern high-level programming language. Programming constructs such as console I/O
data types
control structures
data structures
function definitions and calls
parameter passing
functional decomposition
object oriented programming
debugging and documentation techniques.\n
Adjunct Lecturer
Lehman College
02/2010 – 05/2018\tComputer vision applied towards navigation systems\t City College
NY\n•\tConducted research in 3-D computer vision-centric systems applied towards assistive localization and navigation of visually impaired people and autonomous ground and micro aerial vehicles (MAVs).\n\n01/2010 – 05/2018\t Omnidirectional Depth Sensing with Catadioptric Rigs \tCUNY City College
NY \n•\tDeveloped various catadioptric rigs in folded configurations using conic mirrors (spherical
hyperbolical) separated by a baseline and a monocular camera inside the bottom mirror. The system approximates a single viewpoint with constraints in the design parameters. A complete globe of depth information can be obtained from the fusion of “omnistereo” (equator) and optical flow (poles).
The City College of New York
Aurora Flight Sciences Corporation
Developed solutions for evaluating landing zones of passenger VTOL aircrafts as well as perception for counter drone technology and detection of non-cooperative intruders.
Perception Engineer
Greater New York City Area
Developed algorithms for SLAM (simultaneous localization and mapping) and 3D reconstruction using monocular cameras.
Research Intern
Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories
Great Minds in STEM (GMiS) scholarship
The HENAAC Scholars Program addresses the immense need to produce more domestic engineers and scientists for the U.S. to remain globally competitive in the STEM marketplace.
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Honors and Awards:\n- Ford Foundation Pre-Doctoral Fellowship [2012-2015]\n\nResearch Projects:\n\n- Computer vision applied towards navigation systems: Conducting research in 3-D computer vision-centric systems applied towards assistive localization and navigation of visually impaired people and autonomous ground and micro aerial vehicles (MAVs).\n\n- Omnidirectional Depth Sensing with Catadioptric Rigs: Developing various catadioptric rigs in folded configurations using conic mirrors (spherical
hyperbolical) separated by a baseline and a monocular camera inside the bottom mirror. The system approximates a single viewpoint with constraints in the design parameters. A complete globe of depth information can be obtained from the fusion of “omnistereo” (equator) and optical flow (poles).\n
Computer Science
Research Assistant at the Robotics and Intelligent Systems Lab
The Graduate Center
City University of New York
Master’s Degree
Honors and Awards:\n- CCNY Mentoring Award as a student team in conjunction with Dr. Jizhong Xiao [May 2011]\n- NSF Bridge to the Doctorate
STEM program funded by NSF/NYC-LSAMP [2010-2013]\n- Honorable Mention: 2011 National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program\n\nResearch Projects:\n\n* Leader of the Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition Team known as City Autonomous Transportation Agent (CATA)\n - Engineering an autonomous vehicle with a simplified electrical architecture (focusing in safety and usability) and by adopting a new software architecture based on the open-source Robotics Operating System (ROS)
which enforces modularity and guarantees maintainability and reusability.\nLink to design report: http://www.igvc.org/design/2011/City%20College%20of%20New%20York%20-%20CATA.pdf
Computer Science
Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (2011)
City College of New York
Bachelor’s Degree
Honors and Awards:\n- Google Scholarship awarded through the Hispanic College Fund [2010-2011]\n- First Place in Design Competition (18th Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition) [2010]\n- General Motors Engineering Excellence Award through HACU [2008-2009]\n\nResearch Projects:\n* The 18th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition (IGVC):\t\n- Participated in the design of the City College's IGVC 2010 rover (CityALIEN) by incorporating a novel approach based on stereo and omnidirectional vision.\n- Our team was Awarded First Place in Design Category (June 4-7
2010)\n- Link: https://youtu.be/mHm1WIUUBzw\n
Computer Engineering
City College Robotics Club
Autonomous Ground Vehicle Team (IGVC)
Eta Kappa Nu (HKN)
Beta Pi Chapter and Phi Beta Kappa (Gamma Chapter)
City College of New York
Magna Cum Laude
DMT demo for 3DV 2017 conference
Compilation of some visual results achieved by the proposed Direct Multichannel Tracking (DMT) method presented in the 3DV 2017 conference
DMT demo for 3DV 2017 conference
Visual Odometry with a Single-Camera Stereo Omnidirectional System at Grand Central Terminal
This video exemplifies the qualitative performance of a single-camera stereo omnidirectional system (SOS) in estimating visual odometry (VO) in real-world en...
Visual Odometry with a Single-Camera Stereo Omnidirectional System at Grand Central Terminal
Curriculum Vitae
Street Address Phone: ###-###-#### Canton
MA 02021 Email: omnistereo@gmail.com LIFE OBJECTIVE To enjoy being part of building our future...
Carlos's curriculum vitae
City Alien at IGVC2010
City Alien: Winner of the Design Competition at the 18th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition. June 2010
City Alien at IGVC2010
Enhancing 3D Visual Odometry with Single-Camera Stereo Omnidirectional Systems
Dissertation Thesis
We explore low-cost solutions for efficiently improving the 3D pose estimation problem of a single camera moving in an unfamiliar environment. The visual odometry (VO) task -- as it is called when using computer vision to estimate egomotion -- is of...
Intro to Mobile Robotics and Robot Sumo Tournament
This video is about Intro to Mobile Robotics and Robot Sumo Tournament for the 2015 CCNY STEM Institute Program.
Intro to Mobile Robotics and Robot Sumo Tournament
Single-camera Stereo Omnidirectional System on top of a quadrotor - POV-Ray office 01
Synthetic images for the catadioptric omnistereo rig mounted on an AscTec pelican. Render with POV-Ray for the office scene and motion sequence # 01
Single-camera Stereo Omnidirectional System on top of a quadrotor - POV-Ray office 01
City Alien at IGVC2010
City Alien: Winner of the Design Competition at the 18th Annual Intelligent Ground Vehicle Competition. June 2010
City Alien at IGVC2010
This intensive program was dedicated for selective high school students who learned fundamentals of mobile robotics using the Raspberry Pi (computer) and Python programming language in order to actuate motors and poll sensor data (e.g. ultrasonic
infrared) and various electronic components. Ultimately
participants built robots to compete in an autonomous robot sumo tournament (youtu.be/6138-qjoD3Q)
City College STEM Institute
Raspberry Pi
Computer Science
Computer Vision
Microsoft Office
Machine Learning
Incremental Registration of RGB-D Images
Jizhong Xiao
Ivan Dryanovski
Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
2012 IEEE International Conference on
An RGB-D camera is a sensor which outputs range and color information about objects. Recent technological advances in this area have introduced affordable RGB-D devices in the robotics community. In this paper
we present a real-time technique for 6-DoF camera pose estimation through the incremental registration of RGB-D images. First
a set of edge features are computed from the depth and color images. An initial motion estimation is calculated through aligning the features. This initial guess is refined by applying the Iterative Closest Point algorithm on the dense point cloud data. A rigorous error analysis assesses several sets of RGB-D ground truth data via an error accumulation metric. We show that the proposed two-stage approach significantly reduces error in the pose estimation
compared to a state-of-the-art ICP registration technique.
Incremental Registration of RGB-D Images
Jizhong Xiao
Igor Labutov
Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
2011 IEEE International Conference on
We present a novel catadioptric-stereo rig consisting of a coaxially-aligned perspective camera and two spherical mirrors with distinct radii in a “folded” configuration. We recover a nearly-spherical dense depth panorama (360°×153°) by fusing depth from optical flow and stereo. We observe that for motion in a horizontal plane
optical flow and stereo generate nearly complementary distributions of depth resolution. While optical flow provides strong depth cues in the periphery and near the poles of the view-sphere
stereo generates reliable depth in a narrow band about the equator. We exploit this principle by modeling the depth resolution of optical flow and stereo in order to fuse them probabilistically in a spherical panorama. To aid the designer in achieving a desired field-of-view and resolution
we derive a linearized model of the rig in terms of three parameters (radii of the two mirrors plus axial separation from their centers). We analyze the error due to the violation of the Single Viewpoint (SVP) constraint and formulate additional constraints on the design to minimize the error. Performance is evaluated through simulation and with a real prototype by computing dense spherical panoramas in cluttered indoor settings.
Fusing Optical Flow and Stereo in a Spherical Depth Panorama Using a Single-Camera Folded Catadioptric Rig
Ph.D. Thesis in which we explore low-cost solutions for efficiently improving the 3D pose estimation problem of a single camera moving in an unfamiliar environment. The visual odometry (VO) task -- as it is called when using computer vision to estimate egomotion -- is of particular interest to mobile robots as well as humans with visual impairments. The payload capacity of small robots like micro-aerial vehicles (drones) requires the use of portable perception equipment
which is constrained by size
energy consumption
and processing power. Using a single camera as the passive sensor for the VO task satisfies these requirements
and it motivates the proposed solutions presented in this thesis.
THESIS: Enhancing 3D Visual Odometry with Single-Camera Stereo Omnidirectional Systems
Jizhong Xiao
Ling Guo
The limited payload and on-board computation constraints of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) make sensor configuration very challenging for autonomous navigation and 3D mapping. This paper introduces a catadioptric single-camera omni-stereo vision system that uses a pair of custom-designed mirrors (in a folded configuration) satisfying the single view point (SVP) property. The system is compact and lightweight
has a wide baseline which allows fast 3D reconstruction based on stereo calculation. The algorithm for generating range panoramas is also introduced. The simulation and experimental study demonstrate that the system provides a good solution to the perception challenge of MAVs.
A Single-Camera Omni-Stereo Vision System for 3D Perception of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)
Yuichi Taguchi
We present direct multichannel tracking
an algorithm for tracking the pose of a monocular camera (visual odometry) using high-dimensional features in a direct image alignment framework. Instead of using a single grayscale channel and assuming intensity constancy as in existing approaches
we extract multichannel features at each pixel from each image and assume feature constancy among consecutive images. High-dimensional features are more discriminative and robust to noise and image variations than intensities
enabling more accurate camera tracking. We demonstrate our claim using conventional hand-crafted features such as SIFT as well as more recent features extracted from convolutional neural networks (CNNs) such as Siamese and AlexNet networks. We evaluate the performance of our algorithm against the baseline case (single-channel tracking) using several public datasets
where the AlexNet feature provides the best pose estimation results.
Direct Multichannel Tracking
Jizhong Xiao
Daniel Perea Ström
Ivan Dryanovski
In this paper we present a navigation system for Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAV) based on information provided by a visual odometry algorithm processing data from an RGB-D camera. The visual odometry algorithm uses an uncertainty analysis of the depth information to align newly observed features against a global sparse model of previously detected 3D features. The visual odometry provides updates at roughly 30 Hz that is fused at 1 KHz with the inertial sensor data through a Kalman Filter. The high-rate pose estimation is used as feedback for the controller
enabling autonomous flight. We developed a 4DOF path planner and implemented a real-time 3D SLAM where all the system runs on-board. The experimental results and live video demonstrates the autonomous flight and 3D SLAM capabilities of the quadrotor with our system.
Autonomous Quadrotor Flight Using Onboard RGB-D Visual Odometry
Jizhong Xiao
Ling Guo
We describe the design and 3D sensing performance of an omnidirectional stereo (omnistereo) vision system applied to Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs). The proposed omnistereo sensor employs a monocular camera that is co-axially aligned with a pair of hyperboloidal mirrors (a vertically-folded catadioptric configuration). We show that this arrangement provides a compact solution for omnidirectional 3D perception while mounted on top of propeller-based MAVs (not capable of large payloads). The theoretical single viewpoint (SVP) constraint helps us derive analytical solutions for the sensor’s projective geometry and generate SVP-compliant panoramic images to compute 3D information from stereo correspondences (in a truly synchronous fashion). We perform an extensive analysis on various system characteristics such as its size
catadioptric spatial resolution
field-of-view. In addition
we pose a probabilistic model for the uncertainty estimation of 3D information from triangulation of back-projected rays. We validate the projection error of the design using both synthetic and real-life images against ground-truth data. Qualitatively
we show 3D point clouds (dense and sparse) resulting out of a single image captured from a real-life experiment. We expect the reproducibility of our sensor as its model parameters can be optimized to satisfy other catadioptric-based omnistereo vision under different circumstances.\n\nSee Source Code Repository at https://github.com/ubuntuslave/omnistereo_sensor_design
Design and Analysis of a Single-Camera Omnistereo Sensor for Quadrotor Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs)
Yuichi Taguchi
This paper presents the advantages of a single-camera stereo omnidirectional system (SOS) in estimating egomotion in real-world environments. The challenge of applying omnidirectional stereo vision via a single camera is what separates our work from others. In practice
dynamic environments
deficient illumination
and poor textured surfaces result in the lack of features to track in the observable scene. As a consequence
this negatively affects the pose estimation of visual odometry (VO) systems
regardless of their field-of-view. We compare the tracking accuracy and stability of the single-camera SOS versus an RGB-D device under various real circumstances. Our quantitative evaluation is performed with respect to 3D ground truth data obtained from a motion capture system. The datasets and experimental results we provide are unique due to the nature of our catadioptric omnistereo rig
and the situations in which we captured these motion sequences. We have implemented a tracking system with simple rules applicable to both synthetic and real scenes. Our implementation does not make any motion model assumptions
and it maintains a fixed configuration among the compared sensors. Our experimental outcomes confer the robustness in 3D metric visual odometry estimation that the single-camera SOS can achieve under normal and special conditions in which other perspective narrow view systems such as RGB-D cameras would fail.
Visual Odometry with a Single-Camera Stereo Omnidirectional System
Jizhong Xiao
Ivan Dryanovski
We present a 6-degree-of-freedom (6-DoF) pose localization method for a monocular camera in a 3D point-cloud dense map prebuilt by depth sensors (e.g.
RGB-D sensor
laser scanner
etc.). We employ fast and robust 2D feature detection on the real camera to be matched against features from a virtual view. The virtual view (color and depth images) is constructed by projecting the map's 3D points onto a plane using the previous localized pose of the real camera. 2D-to-3D point correspondences are obtained from the inherent relationship between the real camera's 2D features and their matches on the virtual depth image (projected 3D points). Thus
we can solve the Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem in order to find the relative pose between the real and virtual cameras. With the help of RANSAC
the projection error is minimized even further. Finally
the real camera's pose is solved with respect to the map by a simple frame transformation. This procedure repeats for each time step (except for the initial case). Our results indicate that a monocular camera alone can be localized within the map in real-time (at QVGA-resolution). Our method differentiates from others in that no chain of poses is needed or kept. Our localization is not susceptible to drift because the history of motion (odometry) is mostly independent over each PnP + RANSAC solution
which throws away past errors. In fact
the previous known pose only acts as a region of interest to associate 2D features on the real image with 3D points in the map. The applications of our proposed method are various
and perhaps it is a solution that has not been attempted before.
6-DoF Pose Localization in 3D Point-Cloud Dense Maps Using a Monocular Camera
Jizhong Xiao
Igor Labutov
Machine Vision and Applications
We design a novel “folded” spherical catadioptric rig (formed by two coaxially-aligned spherical mirrors of distinct radii and a single perspective camera) to recover near-spherical range panoramas (about 360° × 153°) from the fusion of depth given by optical flow and stereoscopy. We observe that for rigid motion that is parallel to a plane
optical flow and stereo generate nearly complementary distributions of depth resolution. While optical flow provides strong depth cues in the periphery and near the poles of the view-sphere
stereo generates reliable depth in a narrow band about the equator instead. We exploit this dual-modality principle by modeling (separately) the depth resolution of optical flow and stereo in order to fuse them later on a probabilistic spherical panorama. We achieve a desired vertical field-of-view and optical resolution by deriving a linearized model of the rig in terms of three parameters (radii of the two mirrors plus axial distance between the mirrors’ centers). We analyze the error due to the violation of the single viewpoint constraint and formulate additional constraints on the design to minimize this error. We evaluate our proposed method via a synthetic model and with real-world prototypes by computing dense spherical panoramas of depth from cluttered indoor environments after fusing the two modalities (stereo and optical flow).
Generating Near-Spherical Range Panoramas by Fusing Optical Flow and Stereo from a Single-Camera Folded Catadioptric Rig
The following profiles may or may not be the same professor: