Professor Denton is giving grade mostly base on her given exams. There is so much material to work. She is not giving any ideas on what's on the exam but she is give 5 topics and its not on the exam. If you want to pass to her class you need to do the four practice questions and you will get 57 (do the practice questions). It's hard on her class. better to have another professor. She is giving situational in all her exam.
Professor Denton is a nice person, but you could probably just skip class and read the textbook and you'd still do well. Her Quercus page however is disorganized, and better organizing it would save the class quite a bit of time. The exams can also be a bit difficult.
The professor was fine but I really loved this class. Prof. Denton is great, but she reads off her slides. To answer her test questions, you have to know how she thinks. She's pretty subjective and she gives no room for arguing different possibilities in multiple choice. The material was fun to read though. Overall, I would take this again because it was really interesting.
Dr. Denton is easy going, cool, and a nice person BUT she isn't good as a professor. She will skim over things that she tests heavily, while dragging on explanations that are super simple, and uses really silly examples. Her grading scheme for written questions is often super ambiguous, but the criteria are picky. Stay clear if you don't want to lose dumb marks.
Prof. Ashley is an awful lecturer that tries too hard to be relatable. Honestly, what she teaches in a 2-hour lecture can be taught in 30 mins. She's just really trying to fill time. You'll have to pay an additional $60 for the textbook as well. I had high expectations for this class, but within a week, I was already counting the days until it was over.
Prof. Denton is an amazing person. However, her lectures are disorganized. I always feel lost. I don't understand the relationship between this and the previous topics. Most importantly, exams are far more difficult than the usual homework, so doing it alone is not enough to pass the course.
Professor Waggoner Denton talks way too fast and says "um" and "uh" too much. He repeats non-important topics over and over, but tests are not based on the lectures.
I do not recommend Professor Denton In my opinion there is a secret to studying psychology and if you figure it out you will get that A. If you just study from lectures is not enough at most you will get you a C on the test because she takes specific examples from textbook. I unfortunately, did not have success in this class despite best efforts. I would have have preferred to take an easier elective.
University of Toronto St. George Campus - Psychology
Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Ashley worked at University of Toronto as a Associate Professor, Teaching Stream
Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Ashley worked at University of Toronto as a Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream
Doctor of Philosophy - PhD
Social Psychology