Montana State University - Engineering
Mechanics of Materials, Numerical Modeling
Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
Missoula, Montana
Recent PhD graduate in Engineering, concentration in applied mechanics. Studied the micromechanics of failure in granular sintered materials with application to snow. Modeling experience includes elastic/inelastic deformation, fracture, damage mechanics, and heat transfer/phase change. Proficient with MATLAB, Python and ANSYS.
The Bozeman Bike Kitchen is a non-profit dedicated to making sure that everybody in the Gallatin Valley has access to reliable transportation by bicycle, no matter their financial situation. As a staff member, I repair donated bikes, teach people how to repair their own bikes, and generally keep the shop neat and organized.
Master of Science - MS
Mining Engineering
Researched the role of rock bridges on fragmentation in rock blasting.
PhD Engineering
Applied Mechanics Option
Research was in fracture and damage accumulation in sintered granular materials with application to snow. Focus on micromechanics through discrete element modeling and minimum energy fracture path concepts.
Extensive experience teaching undergraduate engineering mechanics courses, both as TA and instructor of record.
Bachelor of Science - BS
Mineral Engineering