Anna Kone Pefoyo

 Anna Kone Pefoyo

Anna Kone Pefoyo

  • Courses1
  • Reviews1


University of Toronto St. George Campus - Epidemiology


  • 2009

    University of Montreal

    Fall 2005-2010; Winter 2008-2010

    Summer 2012: Designed and delivered specialized courses on data analysis and statistical software (SPSS)

    in order to help university students improve their competencies and accomplish their research project. Supervised 2 assistants each session.\n \nSeptember 2007

    February 2011: Lecturer in biostatistics


    for the master program in health administration

    Unité de Santé Internationale

    Université de Montréal/Université d'État d'Haïti\nContributed to enhance professionals' research and management skills through an introduction course to biostatistics

    epidemiology and data analysis.\n\n2004- 2007 : Online Facilitator for Health CANADA

    government of Canada\nCoached a team of 10 to 15 public health practitioners coming from different parts of the country in order to enhanced their competencies in health surveillance. Encouraged communication between participants; moderated and catalysed e-discussions; helped participants to prepare relevant activities for their work area; gave feedback and answered questions from participants; assisted participants in the use of WEBCT environment for learning.



    Canada Area

    Designed and implemented a factor analysis and a hierarchical regression for the assessment of patients’ satisfaction in health care and its associations with organizational performance measures that will help improving patient experience in healthcare.

    HSPRN - HPME University of Toronto

    Postdoctoral trainee

    Analyzed administrative data associated with the publicly reported assessment of Quebec's hospitals performance: was extensively involved in the operationalization of multiple indicators based on various administrative databases; participated in the definition of indicators covering the different functions of the global evaluation and also collaborated in the discussions about the relative measurement of performance considering norms or empirical standards.


    University of Montreal

    Clinical data manager

    Develop and supervise all aspects of data management for a randomised clinical trial in 40 participating centres in two African countries (QUARITE: QUAlité des soins

    gestion du Risque et Techniques obstétricales dans les pays en développement). Wrote a Manual of procedure for clinical data collection

    management and validation. Created an interactive data entry form and trained data entry assistants. Realized supervision visits on field.

    Unité de Santé Internationale

    Université de Montréal

    Postdoctoral Fellow

    Developed an expertise in local data at HSPRN

    working with longitudinal hospital performance data and also testing the factorial structure of Ontario Hospital Report balanced scorecard framework.

    University of Toronto

  • 2003


    2009-2010 : Postdoctoral trainee

    Department of Health Policy and Management

    University of Toronto\n2008-2009 : Postdoctoral trainee

    Interdisciplinary research group in health (GRIS)\n2008-2010: Complementary graduate degree in analysis and evaluation of health services

    University of Montreal Quebec


    analysis and evaluation of health services; public health


  • 2000


    Community Health


    -\t2005-01-17 to 2005-01-19: The Evaluators Institute 2005

    San Francisco \no\tLinking Evaluation Questions To Analysis Techniques

    Dr Mel Mark\n-\t2008-07-17 to 2008-07-24: The Evaluators Institute 2008

    Washington D C\no\tAlternative Evaluation Designs re Systems Change

    Dr. Michael Quinn Patton\t\no\tPerformance Measurement for Government and NonProfit

    Dr. Theodore H. Poister\t\no\tEffective Reporting Strategies for Evaluators

    Dr. Kathryn Newcomer\t\no\tWorking with Stakeholders

    Dr. John Bryson

    Complementary workshops in Evaluation

    Evaluators Institute

  • 1999





    IFORD: Institut de Formation et de Recherche démographique

  • 1997


    Statistics and Applied Economy

    ENSEA: École Nationale supérieure de Statistique et d'Économie appliquée)

    Côte D'Ivoire

  • Public Health

    Health Promotion

    Reproductive Health

    Data Analysis

    Global Health



    Qualitative Research



    Program Evaluation

    Literature Reviews


    Clinical Research





    Health Services Research



    I use biostatistic and computer models to evaluate the medical and pharmaceutical services provided by health organizations

    and the resulting impact on population health. I analyze data and provide science based evidence to guide public decisions

    improvements in health systems and management of health in communities. \nMy ultimate goal is to used available data to reduce health inequities and eventually improve health systems at a sustainable cost .\n\nSpecialties: Public health

    Statistics and Epidemiology

    Evaluation of health services

    Performance measurement

    Data Management and Analysis

    Evidence summary

    Cancer screening



    HSPRN - HPME University of Toronto

    Unité de Santé Internationale

    Université de Montréal

    Dalla Lana School of Public Health

    University of Toronto

    CHSR (The Canadian Health Service Research Group)


    University of Montreal

    University of Toronto

    Lakehead University

    IRSPUM - Université de Montréal

    University of Montreal

    Cancer Care Ontario

    Analyzed administrative data in order to predict inpatient deaths in Quebec hospitals and to estimate hospital standardized mortality ratio. Developed a methodology including the selection of the study population and relevant clinical groups

    a stratified regression model and the use of bootstraps technique to evaluate results precision.

    Young Researcher


    Canada Area

    IRSPUM - Université de Montréal


    Canada Area

    I supervise the selection of published scientific literature on cancer screening and outcomes. I summarise the evidence found in the literature and provide the findings to decision makers. I use existing data available to the provincial government to evaluate effectiveness of the existing cancer procedures. I evaluate complex health interventions using modelling and statistical methodologies.

    Scientist in Cancer Screening

    Cancer Care Ontario

    Leading analyses on the surveillance of occupational cancer

    OCRC - Cancer Care Ontario

    Dalla Lana School of Public Health

    University of Toronto


    Canada Area

    I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto. I do tutorials and presentations on evaluation methodologies and biostatistics. I carry out primary research on the performance and effectiveness of health organizations. I analyse the distribution of health conditions of target populations.

    Assistant Professor (status)

    Lakehead University


    Contributed to producing comprehensive reports for Local Health Integrated Networks (LHIN) in Ontario

    in order to inform resources allocation. Evaluated access to

    efficiency and future needs in services like neurosurgeries in Ontarian specialized hospitals. Evaluated different aspects of use of services at end of life in order to inform decision-making for resources allocation.

    CHSR (The Canadian Health Service Research Group)