University of Toronto St. George Campus - English
Toronto Film Critics Association
American Comparative Literature Association
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
My dissertation is on representations of disabled children in modern and contemporary Canadian fiction and film. My research is funded by a CGS SSHRC Doctoral Scholarship.
English Literature (British and Commonwealth)
University of Toronto
Master of Arts (M.A.)
English Literature (British and Commonwealth)
University of Toronto
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Humanities/Humanistic Studies
Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne
Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
English Literature (British and Commonwealth)
Laurentian University/Université Laurentienne
University of Toronto
Laurentian University
University of Toronto
I teach a section of the 2nd year English course The Canadian Short Story.
Course Instructor
I graded undergraduate papers
delivered guest lectures on contemporary Canadian writing
and led breakout sessions where we discussed theoretical texts.
Laurentian University
Freelance writer
I'm a regular contributor to Film Freak Central and Torontoist. My work has also appeared in Cinema Scope Online
The Toronto Review of Books
This Magazine
and Montage.
Research assistant
I did archival work on a faculty member's project on the Vietnam War and Canadian literature
examining depictions of Canada-U.S. relations in Canadian magazines from the 1960s and 1970s.
University of Toronto
Teaching assistant
I lead weekly tutorial sessions with 50 students
discussing twentieth century and Canadian literature. I also teach writing strategies
grade papers
and provide detailed feedback. I have delivered short lectures in classes ranging from 100 to 500 students.
University of Toronto