Allison O'Leary

 Allison O'Leary

Allison P. O'Leary

  • Courses3
  • Reviews6


Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College - Psychology


  • 2015

    Society for the Teaching of Psychology

  • 2012

    Cognitive Development Society

    Cognitive Science Society

  • 2011

    Society for Research in Child Development

    Master of Arts (M.A.)

    Developmental psychology

    The Ohio State University

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

    Developmental psychology

    The Ohio State University

    Certificate in Online Instruction

    The Ohio State University

  • 2007

    Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)


    Phi Beta Kappa

    Psi Chi

    University of North Carolina at Greensboro

  • Teaching

    Research Design

    Scientific Writing

    Data Analysis


    University Teaching



    Public Speaking

    Higher Education



    Experimental Design


    Statistical Data Analysis

    Human Subjects Research

    Carving Metacognition at its Joints: Protracted Development of Component Processes

    Vladimir Sloutsky

    Two experiments investigated the development of metacognitive monitoring and control

    and conditions under which children engage these processes. In Experiment 1

    5-year-olds (N = 30) and 7-year-olds (N = 30)

    unlike adults (N = 30)

    showed little evidence of either monitoring or control. In Experiment 2

    5-year-olds (N = 90) were given performance feedback (aimed at improving monitoring)

    instruction to follow a particular strategy (aimed at improving control)

    or both. Across conditions

    feedback improved children's monitoring

    and instruction improved both monitoring and control. Thus

    children's poor metacognitive performance likely reflects a difficulty engaging the component processes spontaneously rather than a lack of metacognitive ability. These findings also suggest that the component processes are distinct

    with both undergoing protracted development.

    Carving Metacognition at its Joints: Protracted Development of Component Processes

    Children are notoriously bad at controlling their attention (e.g.

    switching from paying attention to a game to paying attention to the teacher)

    but improve throughout the preschool and early elementary school years. My current project investigates whether children's ability to switch attention improves when allowed a choice about when to switch and what activity to switch to. We are also investigating what other cognitive abilities (e.g.

    metacognition) may be necessary for children to benefit from choice.




    The Ohio State University

    UNC Greensboro

    Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College

    The Ohio State University

    Brevard College

    The Ohio State University

    Ohio Dominican University

    Responsibilities included administering and grading exams

    facilitating class discussion

    maintaining the online course portal

    meeting with students

    and facilitating public outreach at a local science museum. Courses assisted include:\n- Introduction to Psychology (Honors)\n- Psychology of Childhood (Honors)\n- Psychology of Adolescence\n- Psychology of the Adult Years\n- Training in Informal Science Outreach\n- Psychology Applied to Sport\n- Theories of Personality

    The Ohio State University

    Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College



    Assistant Professor of Psychology

    I was the instructor of record for Introduction to Psychology and Life-Span Development

    covering a number of topics including research methods; neuroscience; prenatal development; motor


    and perceptual development; theories of cognitive development; schools and achievement; and more. Some responsibilities included:\n\n- Plan


    and present lectures to undergraduate students\n- Develop section-specific assignments to gauge students' understanding of psychology concepts \n- Assess students' ability to critique academic and popular media portrayals of scientific research\n- Meet with students about ways to improve memory and understanding of course material\n- Contribute to development of course-wide assessments of learning\n- Act as liaison between students and coordinators of REP (the Research Experience Program)

    The Ohio State University

    Adjunct Instructor

    Ohio Dominican is a liberal arts university with a diverse student body including many first-generation and adult students. I taught human life-span development

    including topics like research methods

    prenatal development

    physical and motor development

    cognitive development

    among others.

    Ohio Dominican University

    UNC Greensboro

    DUCK (Development and Understanding of Children's Knowledge) Lab

    Developed a way to study children's executive function abilities in social and non-social contexts. Created stimuli

    collected and analyzed data

    and summarized it in my senior honors thesis.

    Undergraduate Research Assistant


    North Carolina

    Assistant Professor of Psychology

    Brevard College



    and executing various research projects pertaining to infants' and children's cross-modal (audio-visual) processing

    and children's selective attention and executive control.

    The Ohio State University

    Graduate Research Associate

    I studied the development of metacognition (i.e.

    cognition about cognition) from young childhood to adulthood. In particular

    I investigated the impact of interventions designed to improve metacognition and learning in these age groups. In addition to the research itself

    I mentored several undergraduate students each semester

    co-led a professional development seminar for undergraduates in the lab

    and regularly presented my work at national conferences.

    The Ohio State University

PSYC 1101
