For the second time, I took Professor Aprelev's class. He's horrible at giving lectures, and sometimes he really says the wrong information. Unfortunately, I got a bad teacher assistant this term so this means I need to teach myself. Do yourself a favor, go to another professor's class, and access Catalytics during the actual class time, to fix attendance problems.
Drexel University - Physics
research associate, parttime
Alexey worked at University of Pennsylvania as a research associate, parttime
Teaching Assistant Professor
Phys 101 (300 students), 102 (900 students) , 201 (300 students)
Director of Phys. Labs 101, 102, 201 cycle.
Research Assistant Professor
Alexey worked at Drexel University as a Research Assistant Professor
R&D Cosultant
research assosiate, consulting
Alexey worked at Clemson University as a research assosiate, consulting