University of Toronto St. George Campus - Psychology
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)
Orientation Coordinator - Psychology Graduate Student Association\nCUPE Representative - Psychology Graduate Student Association
University of Toronto
Master of Arts (M.A.)
Psychology (Collaborative Program in Neuroscience)
Orientation Coordinator - Psychology Graduate Student Association
University of Toronto
Emergency First Aid & CPR B
SAJE Vital Signs
Barton High School
Honours Bachelor of Science (H.B.Sc.)
Completed a double major in Psychology and Neuroscience.\nGraduate with High Distinction\nMember of the Dean's List
Neuroscience and Psychology
Woodsworth College
University of Toronto
Event Planning
Network Connectivity
Student Leadership
Functional Neuroimaging
Data Analysis
Diffusion Tensor Imaging
Public Speaking
Scientific Writing
Cognitive Neuroscience
Social Media
Student Affairs
Distinct hippocampal functional networks revealed by tractography-based parcellation
Cornelia McCormick
Distinct hippocampal functional networks revealed by tractography-based parcellation
Vincent Man
Parcellation of the hippocampus using resting functional connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy
Jeremy Marty-Dugas
Advantages of sentence-level fMRI language tasks in presurgical language mapping for temporal lobe epilepsy
M. Mallar Chakravarty
Jon Pipitone
Functional and structural correlates of memory in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
Applications of Resting-State Functional MR Imaging to Epilepsy
Language network measures at rest indicate individual differences in naming decline after anterior temporal lobe resection
Andy C.H. Lee
Hilary C. Watson
Edward B. O’Neil
The human hippocampus is sensitive to the durations of events and intervals within a sequence
University of Toronto
University of Toronto
University Health Network
UC Davis Center for Neuroscience
Canada Area
My research investigates the clinical utility of presurgical neuroimaging metrics in informing surgical decisions for patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE). To that end
we analyse functional MRI (fMRI) data
structural MRI and diffusion weighted MRI. We also use these measures to characterize functional and structural differences in the brain that exist between patients with mTLE and neurologically healthy controls and investigate how these differences may contribute to changes in cognitive functions such as memory and language.
Graduate Student
University Health Network
100 St. George Street
•Administered Final Examinations to undergraduate students enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science\n•Supervised team of Presiding Officers to ensure a safe and standard environment for test writing\n•Responded to emergency matters that may arise during Examination\n•Provided information regarding examination rules and regulations to undergraduate students
Chief Presiding Officer
University of Toronto
Postdoctoral Fellow
UC Davis Center for Neuroscience
• Responsible for evaluating and providing feedback on exams
essays and assignments \n• Taught and presented material to students in lecture setting
office hours and through email correspondence \n• Completed Teaching Fundamentals course offered at University of Toronto focusing on accessibility in teaching
developing study skills in undergraduate learners
providing useful feedback
conflict management
and course website construction
Teaching Assistant
Canada Area
University of Toronto
Cognitive Neuroscience - PSY493\n• Prepared course outline
and syllabus\n• Prepared and taught lectures on basic neuroanatomy
cogntive neuroscience methods
social cognition
development and plasticity and motor control\n• Created marking key and rubric and communicated with teaching assistant to ensure fair assessment of student evaluations
Course Instructor
Canada Area
University of Toronto
• Entered de-identified patient into a secure database\n• Preprocessed and modelled fMRI data using SPM5\n• Performed literature reviews
Research Assistant
Canada Area
University Health Network
• Recruited and administered behavioural E-PRIME experiments to a sample of 50 undergraduate psychology students\n• Performed literature reviews\n• Entered
analysed and interpreted data using SPSS and Microsoft Excel\n• Presented research findings and produced a formal scientific paper for course credit
Undergraduate Research Assistant
Canada Area
University of Toronto